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12 years ago we said till death do us apart. Now I realize that not even death could do us apart. Even though she isn't with me anymore I still feel her presents. Her love. Nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is that I can never see her again. Smell her. Kiss her. But nothing can stop me from loving her. That is what I'll never stop doing.

I found out who shot Lana. Of course the russian mafia. After the war there wasn't a lot left of them but now they are completely gone.

We destroyed the little thing they had left. I should've felt relieved because I took revenge but I realized I don't.

The revenge didn't bring me back Lana. There is nothing that can give her back to me.

Now it has been 5 years since I lost my love. My sunshine. My joy. My hapiness.

Zara is already 12 years old and the more she grows the more she looks like Lana.

It makes me sad and happy at the same time. When I look into zara's eyes I see lana. She has her big eyes and plump lips. She loves school and her dream job is to become a doctor like her mother.

Lana graduated from medical school shortly before her pregnancy with our son. She was never able to work as a doctor since she got pregnant.

I have her doctor certification hanging in my office. I am so proud of her.

I miss her. I miss everything about her. Her smile. Her laugh. Her voice. Her scent. Her presence and her love.

She was young but mature. The best mother to our daughter. The best wife in the world.

Since the day she died I haven't looked or touched a women.

I can't see anyone the way I see her.

It is impossible.

Like every night I am sitting in the office and watching her video diary she recorded when she was pregnant with Zara.

„Babe. I miss you so much. Our princess and I are unbelievably proud of you. You will win this war. I just know it.

I love you so much Blaine. Please be careful. If something happens to to you It'll mean the death of me. I love you baby. Be careful and stay strong. For me and our princess.".

A tear ran down my face. I didn't bother to wipe it away.

The video diary had 46 chapters wich were about 10 mins long. Lana was showing her belly, things she bought for the baby and talking about us. The day we met, how much she loved me and our memories together.

This video diary is the best gift she gave me. Besides Zara.

I watched all 46 chapters at least 200 times. I miss her and these videos make me miss her more but I love to hear her voice and see her laugh.

„Daddy? What are you watching?".

Zara appeared in the door.

Fuck I forgot to close the door.

„Nothing sweetie. Why aren't you sleeping?",I asked and shut the computer.

„I dreamed about mommy. I miss her. A lot.",she said before she broke down in tears.

Outside Zara is happy and energetic. But at home we both break down like this.

We don't talk a lot since I am always working but when I do come home we always spend time together.

She is my everything. The only thing keeping me alive. The only reason I am here. Without her. I would've been gone.

„I miss her too baby but she is in a better place now. She is watching over us. Stop crying. She wouldn't like to see you like this.",I whispered as I hold her in my arms.

„What about you? You are always crying too. Don't think I don't know it. I know how you feel. You feel the same I do",she cried.

She is right. But I have to be strong for her.

I didn't say anything but only hold her tight in my arms.

We stayed like this for a while until she fell asleep on my lap.

I carried her in her bed and watched her sleep.

A little angel. I wish I could take her pain away. My only soft spot in this world.

I thank god every day for her. The best present in this world from my favorite human.

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