Chapter 27

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We arrived at the hotel and we started unpacking our stuff.

„Why do you have so much sun protection in your suitcase- wait is that a first aid kid?",I asked him in disbelief.

he shrug his shoulders. „I am prepared for everything. I took every kind of sun protection we don't want to get a sunburn. But if we do I have a healing creme. I also packed insect protection, a healing creme for cut's, an anti infection spray-.",he continued but I cut him off.

„Baby that is really cute but don't you think you overreact?",I asked him.

„No babe. This is a tropical place. Anything can happen.",he explained.

I laughed and shook my head while continuing to unpack.

I am learning new sides of this man and I fall in love with every single one.

After settling in we laid a bit in bed before going to dinner in our hotel.

We had our own little vila and golf cars wich drove us to the dining places.

He stroke my arm with his fingertips.

„God please never make us leave one another.",he mumbled under his breath.

I smiled into his chest inhaling his amazing scent.

I can never get enough. I missed it so much.

A car started honking outside and slowly stood up making our way outside.

Joey booked this place for us last second but I have to say he did a great job.

We arrived at dinner and walked through the huge buffet.

I loaded my plate with different kinds of pasta, pizza, nuggets and cheesy fries. I took another plate and filled it up with dessert.

I came back to our table and sat my plates down.

Blaine cuckled as he had a look on my plates.

„There is so much food and all you choose is this?",he asked.

„I don't know about all that fancy food. I only want my favorites",I grinned and sat down.

We ate and blaine stuffed my face with various kinds of foods.

He took random pictures of me while I was eating or watching the beach from the place we were sitting.

It honestly is one of the cutest things.

„Babe I am really full",I breathed out as I laid back and massaged my bloated stomach.

„Finally",he said smiling satisfied at my bloated belly.

„I am gonna make you eat good. Watch",he said and we both started laughing.

He takes care of me. I can tell he does everything for my well-being.

„Thank you",I randomly said.

„For what?",he asked confused.

„For being who you are to me".

He chuckled and reached out for my hand while holding it in his and kissing them.

"I live for you. You are my living reason. My everything. Keep that in mind.",he talked against my hands.

That is why I love him.

~Blaine's Pov~

I enjoyed the dinner with delana by my side. We laughed and talked for hours.

I felt so happy for the first time in my life. No worries about work today.

I have online meetings these next days were I will need to leave her alone.

I enjoy every second with her.

We decided to go on a walk on the beach. I grabbed her hand and held her heels she took off with the other.

The sunset was slowly ending and it got darker outside.

„We are going on a small tour tomorrow over bali",I said.

„Omg really? I Love tour's",she said exited.

I laughed and nodded.

„As many tours as you want.","Countries?",she asked testing.

„You got it.","Cars?","No limit","Bags? Shoes? Clothes?","Don't worry",I smiled.

She chuckled throwing her arms around my neck.

I instantly grabbed her by the waist.

„Fuck that stuff. I want this",she said in a low voice looking me deep in the eyes.

„You already got it",I whispered before pressing my lips on hers.

She intensed the kiss and moved on her tipy toes.

I chuckled before pulling away. „If you continue I will fuck you right here on this beach",I warned.

„Oh come on blaine you act like a horny teenager. Can't I just kiss you without your dick stepping in?",she asked as she chuckled.

„No you can't",I said looking her deeply in her eyes.

She rolled her eyes with a smirk and grabbed my hand as she continued walking.

„Let's go back to to the villa then",she spoke.

A huge smirk appeared on my face as she dragged me towards the villa.


Hellooo guysss,

I am sorry I am so bad at uploading these last weeks but I only have one week of exams left after that I promise I will post more frequently xx

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