Chapter 12

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~Blaine's Pov~
Now I lay here with her in my arms. The only human that was able to stop the fire inside of me and give me comfort. After her birthday I swore to myself to never touch her again but here I am failing my promise. „Have you already talked to the wedding planer?",she asked softly. „No, is there something new?","Yeah she want's us to go to the venue together to check if we like to change anything",she said.

„When?","Tomorrow. 2pm","I'll pick you up",I said before standing up. I cant let her emotionally attached to me. She just has to know that I am always here for her. But I cant spend a future with her. I cant make her a happy wife. We are way to different. „I am going downstairs, see you tomorrow",she said before leaving the room.

I didn't get the chance to respond since she directly closed to door behind her. I sat down on my back running my hands through my face. She is too good for me. I can't allow myself to ruin her life.It feels so wrong lying to her. I wasn't exactly working these last months. I was but in a different kind of way. My dad decieded to take over his dads mafia. Yes mafia. It's been two month's but the constant danger and illegal secrets are killing me. From now on I carry guns with me and am in charge for the gun and drug trafficking.

This was putting a lot more pressure on me. I needed to take even more care of lana. She is in danger for just being my fiance and soon she will be my wife living in a house with me alone. Thats also one of the reasons I am staying away from her. I need to protect her. I put my pants and butten down off before lying down on my bed wich already soaked her scent.

~Delana's Pov~
Anger filled me up as I walked downstairs. He was fucking playing with me. I am like a doll to him. One moment he is loving and charming the next he is cold and distant. I am sick of his shit. I went into the kitchen and found his sister laura there giving lex her food.

„What happened?", she asked when she saw the annoyance in my face. „Nothing. He is just stressed",I said while sitting down on the stool. „That's not what I mean. What happened to you? Doesen't he treat you right?",she asked while I just looked on the table. „No he does, its just- so fucking complicated.",I complained and ran my hands through my face. „Talk to me.",she demanded and sat down next to me.

I just told her everything. The contract. His constant mood swings. My birthday and what happened upstairs 20 mins ago. „Ouh god",she breathed out trying to process everything. „That is really complicated... He ignored the contract? My brother has some weak self control",she said while laughing. „It's not a secret that he is sexually attractet to you but I think he is also emotionally attached to you",she said and took asip of her tea. The first aspect already gave me chills but the second one got me thinking. „What do you mean?",I asked with narrowed eye brows.

„Until this day no one in our family was able to control his anger. It started when he was a child even then he would not be able to control his anger and as he got older it got worst especially after my dad made him join his business.",she said. „He started breaking things, punching the wall's and not being able to control his breath. We tried everything but nothing helped. But you did.",she said and put her hand on my shoulder. He reminded me so much of my dad. My dad was the most loving husband and dad in this world. But his anger and mood swings sometimes gave us a hard time.

„So you are trying to say that I mean something to him?","100%. It's clear to see that he starts to develope feelings for you but is scared to hurt you. He cares for you. He just doesen't see hisself beeing in the position of a husband. I know my brother. Before he met you he was a complete mess. Driving like crazy,drinking and partying all weekends long and hooking up with some whores. Now he is like a complete different person. He want's to protect you so he stays distant to not hurt you.",she carried on and what she said really made sense.

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