Chapter 37

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Joey came back with 6 fucking different pregnancy tests.

„One would have been enough",I chuckled.

„I wanted to make sure to buy the right one","So you bought all?","Yes now stop judging me and do the test",he said.

I took one of the test and did it in the bathroom.

I placed it on the counter and called joey to come.

He sat down next to me on the floor while we waited impatiently.

„Do you wanna look?",I asked.

He nodded slowly and took the test from the counter.

„It still needs time",he sighed and held it in his hands, not looking away.

We waited for what felt like hours until I saw joeys eyes getting bigger and a smile on his face.

„Fucking shit. Lana you are pregnant",he said exited.

„What?",I asked, not really knowing how to react.

„You are having a baby Lana",he repeated.

I smiled but my eyes filled with tears. I was happy but I was sad. I was sad that I wasn't able to share this moment with Blaine.

„Are you sure?".I asked and he nodded, showing me the positive test results.

I started laughing and crying out of joy. I am happy to be a mom. I never thought I would be this happy to be pregnant this early.

I am just 18 but I feel so blessed.

Hopefully Blaine is going to be home as soon as possible.

„Don't tell anyone. I don't want anyone to know",I said to joey as I hid the pregnancy test under my covers.

„I promise I won't. But I am so exited for you",he smiled and hugged me.

Thank god I have a friend like Joey. What would I do without him.

„Do you think Blaine is okay?",I asked him now.

He sighed as nodded. „He is okay. If it would have been otherwise. We would know because that would mean that the war ends.",he said.

„So the war ends when one of them die and the other mafia wins?",I asked shocked.

„No. That is not how it works. But the war would end when one of them die. But none of them would win",he explained.

I exhaled sharply.

God please protect him.

I want to experience all this with him by my side. I want to let him know we are having a baby. That might push him even harder to succeed.

~Blaine's Pov~

I slowly approached the back of the warehouse. Luciano and Dome behind me, following me.

„See the guards?",I asked.

„Yeah on the left",Luciano said and I pointed my gun at the guard shooting him between his eyes.

I saw another guard approaching and shot him in the middle of his movement.

We approached the backdoor and I entered first.

When I entered I saw my men standing in the middle of the room surrounded by dead bodys.

Just like that we took over the 17th warehouse this month.

Halfway through.

I honestly didn't expect it to be this easy and I know that soon we are expecting a hard challenge.

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