Chapter 10

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~Blaine's Pov~
I was filled with anger as I watched her in the arms of some random highschool dude. He was placing a kiss on her head. There was cleary more going on then friendship. And I even asked her on sunday if she had someone. Fucking liar. She pushed him away and when she turned to the side her eyes met mine. She was standing there with her eyes wide open. She clearly didn't expect me to be here. I didn't move an inch.

She first greetet all of the thousends of people there before coming to me. Everyone was in deep conversations when she approached me. „Hey Blaine",she said with a soft voice. „Happy Birthday lana here these are for you",I said as I handed her the big boquet of flowers I got made for her and the gift box with a necklace. „Thank you so much",she said smiling as she looked into my eyes. God she is beautiful.

„No need to",I responded with a little smile on my face. Seeing her smile is really contagious. She opened the necklace box and her eyes widened as she saw the silver diamond necklace. „Omg! Blaine I can't take this these are so expensive",she said giving me the box back. „Dont be ridicilous" I said and took the necklace out of the box signing her to turn around.

She turned around and I put the nacklace on for her. „Looks perfekt","Thank you some much blaine",she said as she took me into a hug. „Who is that guy that hugged you?",I blurred out. She slowly pulled away to look me in my face. „It's kaiden. A really good friend of mine","Don't lie to me",I said in a cold tone. „Blaine please not here",she said and looked over the crowd. „I'm picking you up at 2 pm tomorrow and we'll talk","I am in school then","Fine I'll pick you up from school","Why does it matter to you anyway",she asked confused. I took a step closer to her so that our faces were inches apart from each other.

„Because youre my fiance and very soon my wife and I don't want anyone thinking that the women I love has an affair with some random kid.",I said in a low tone. „I am sorry",she said and her lips dropped into a sad face. I lifted her chin making her look into my eyes. „Its okay but don't disappoint me and wear your ring next time. Now go have fun love",I said as I sent her a small smile.

She smiled softy and nodded before taking me by my hand to her family. I was shocked by her touch. She locked her fingers with mine as she introduced me to the rest of her family as her fiance. She was making this whole contract situation a lot harder for me. Her touch and affection drives me crazy. She makes me do things I would never do.

She attracts me in a way that no one does. I don't need to touch her to feel something towards her. A single look or word gets me exited. My parents wantet to come to but they got a last minute call to an important event they needed to attend. After we were done talking to her family wich love me by the way, she send her gaze to me.

„Where is your family?'',she asked in a sad tone. „They got a last minute call to attend a event but they send you the best wishes.",I said and her smile grew wider. We looked over the room seeing that kaiden kid looking at us in confusion. I am curious to find out who this fucker is and why he had his hand on my girl. „Do your friends know?",I asked pointing with my head towards them. „No. I won't tell them now tho","You realize that they are watching us holding hands right know right?",I said and the realisation kicked in her face. „Fuck",she said while letting go of my hand. All of the sudden a coldness hit my skin. What the fuck is this girl doing to me?

„Excuse me. I should go to them","Alright Imma talk to your family",I said and went to her cousins. We started getting along pretty well. At first I think they didn't like me but know they do. I watched lana from a distance as she talked to her friends. Including that kaiden dude. Imma fuck up his life if he continues giving me these looks while touching my fiance.

~Delana's Pov~
I walked over to kaiden and the girls wich watched me with wide opened eyes. „Who is that hot man",amber asked. „Uhh- thats blaine","Ace?!",riley asked in disbelief and I just nodded.

„Why the fuck is he buying you a millior dollar necklace and holding your hand?!",kaiden asked in an agressive tone. „It's a long story","What the fuck man! Tell me what is going on.",he yelled. „Stop it kaiden.Not now","Fuck you man", he busted out and drag me outside by my arm. „Kaiden stop",I whined but his grip got even tighter.

I looked over the room praying that nobody sees us as he draggs me outside. Gladly nobody was watching. He slammed me against the wall outside and started yelling. „Who the fuck is he and why is he so close to you?", he started."Kaiden Stop look its complicated".He cut me off. „You are a fucking bitch. Thats what you are. A dirty whore Lana.",he said but the next moment I saw a tall figure approaching us fastly.

„What the fuck did you just say to my fiance.",blaine hissed grabbing kaiden by his neck. „Blaine stop! Please stop!", I said and pulled him away from kaiden. He luckily loosend his grip as soon as he looked at me. „Are you okay? Did he hurt you",he trailed off looking at my arm red by kaidens grip. He looked over to kaiden who was looking at us in disguist, „Run motherfucker before I kill you with my bare hands",blaine yelled. Kaiden watched us one last time before he shook his head in disbelief and walked off. Tears built in my eyes but I got pulled into a hard chest and arms that embraced my upper body.

„Its okay. Don't cry its your birthday",he said in the crook of my neck. Why was he so good with me. „I am sorry",he said but I pulled away shaking my head no as I looked in his eyes. „No. I am sorry",I said, my hands resting on his muscular chest. He pressed a kiss on my forehead before laying his on mine. My heart was racing. What was he doing? Did he forgot of the contract. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't. I enjoyed it.

His affection and touch was a lot different than Kaiden's. Our faces where so close I felt his breath hitting my face. Our nosetips where touching and I swear that my lips brushed over his as our nosetips brushed on each other. Our breaths got heavier and our eyes closed. I don't know what came next if he didn't stop. „No-fuck",he said as he pulled away stepping away from me. I now realised what was going on. We almost kissed. I swore to myself that this wouldn't happen. I wouldn't let a man like him break me apart. Making me lose my focus on my carrer.

„Ah- I- I am going inside again",I said and quickly walked in.

The rest of the night we danced and played games. I honestly had so much fun I can't believe it. Blaine just watched me from a distance and we didn't really talk a lot after that insidence. He only said goodbye when the party ended avoiding any kind of physical touch. Probably the best for both of us.


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