Chapter 30

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~Blaine's Pov~

The flight to italy takes 14 hours and we already are flying since 4 hours but it feels like we are never going to arrive.

Lana fell asleep with her head on md lap and I pray that she won't wake up while I am on my video call with my dad.

The flight attendant set up my laptop in front of me and handed me a pair of earphones.

„So she won't wake up.",she whispered and pointed to Lana who was sleeping peacefully.

„Thank you. Can you bring me a blanket so she won't get cold",I asked as I noticed that her skin was cold.

She nodded and brought the blanket.

One of my bodyguards that came to bali with us set up the video call and soon my dad joined into the call.

„Hey son. How are you? Are you guys safe?",he asked.

„Yes dad. We are pretty good. Lana is sleeping in my arms so I have to whisper. We are going to Italy now. I guess we can stay at grandpas mansion right?",I whispered.

„Of course son the mansion is empty. I will make a call so it gets prepared for your accommodation. Do you need extra guards?".

„No, I will talk to mr. Vasquez. I think he can help with security.","Alright but I will still send some over. Joey is very worried and won't shut up",he said annoyed.

The next moment joey stepped into the video call and waved to me. I laughed and waved back while my dad pushed him aside.

„Dad. Do you know what they want? Is it me or Lana",I asked and lowered my voice even more.

„I found out something Blaine but I need you to keep quiet about it. Don't tell Lana.",he stopped before continuing to talk.

„Lana's Dad. Connor Harvey, isn't actually Connor Harvey. The real Connor Harvey died in 1984 due to a car accident.".

„His real name is Xavier Hernandez. He is the former co leader of the Spanish mafia.". What in the actual..?  Lana's dad is part of a mafia?

„I don't think that Lana knows about this. He stepped back before Lana was born and took over a new Identity for himself and his Wife.".

„So you are trying to tell me that is the reason why we are being chased by the russian mafia?",I whispered.

„Wait. I am not finished. It might be the reason. One of our agent's found out that Xavier had a agreement with the russians about Lana. But when he realized what he was getting his daughter into, he backed away but the russians persist that Lana belongs to them. As much as I know they made an agreement that Lana will marry Igor Iwanow the son of Vladimir Iwanow, the leader of the Russian mafia, when they found out that Lana's mother was pregnant with her.".

„I will talk to her uncle and aunt about it. They must know something.".

Anger build up inside me. They want Lana. They think Lana belongs to them.

My body tensed but I tried to calm myself down because Lana was still sleeping with her head on my lap.

„Tell me what to do.",I said through gritted teeth.

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