Chapter 3

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~Blaine's Pov~
The next morning I woke up at 5am to go to the Gym before the day begins. Its a routine I have. I need to go to the gym get a proper workout in, meditate and have breakfast or I'll turn into a monster. After the gym I took a shower and put on my suit.

Today we have a really important meeting and basically my career depends on it. If I can impress the client I will get 10 more percent of my dads business if not my dad might lower my position in the company.

After I drove to my office I orderd breakfast because I didn't had the time at home. When I entered the building it was 7:59am. „Perfekt", I told myself before my assitant approached me and we walked to the elevator together. „Good morning Mr.Ace","Good morning charlene. What is my scheduele today?","You have a Meeting in 30 mins with the owners of peek industries, a conference with your dad at 10:30 am, then your dad asked me to organize a Lunch for you and your mom at 12:30am, and after that there is nothing else planned but there is more paperwork your dad has sent into your office.","Okay thank you", I said before we entered the elevator.

My punishment might be the paperwork. But why does he want to have lunch with me and mom. There is something that he has planned and to be honest, I am quite scared of what he has thought of. I took it too far these last couple times. Two weeks ago I was caught by paparazzi while making out with a random girl in a club. Since then my dad is thinking of something to get me take life more serious.

I prepared for the meeting before making my way to the meeting room. During the meeting I made myself stay calm expecially because my dad was in the same room and I didn't want him to think that his son would get weak because of pressure. Never. I got the deal and saw my dads proud face in the corner of my eye. After the clients left he approached me.

„Congratulations son! You did good","Thank you dad. We have a conference now right?","Yes with the investors of the company after that we'll have lunch together. Your mom and I need to talk to you.",he said and walked to the conference room. I followed him whilst thinking what was going on in his mind. During the conference I could hear his good mood trough his voice.

After the conference we drove together with my mom to a fancy restaurant to have some lunch. We sat down and ordered our food. „What is it you and mom want to talk about?","Dear son, your dad thought of something that could help you a lot with your reputation.","What is it?". My mind was racing. I just know I won't like what they were going to tell me. „A Month ago I met my old friend Robert again. He told me about his wife's niece who just lost her whole family in a car accident. She is in need for someone who can provide her with a good life. She is a very smart and beautiful girl and finishes highschool in 2 Months. After your current incidents I met him again and this morning we decided that you guys are going to marry each other.".

My mouth fell open. My dad couldn't be serious. I never planed to marry at all. Now they want me to marry a girl that is still in high school. Anger built inside me. While my parents waitet for a reaction from my side I looked blankly into my dads face. „Blaine you exceeded your limits more than enough. I don't want to hear anything. I know you are angry but you don't have anything to decide about.We are going on a familiy dinner tomorrow with them and you are coming with your best behavior.","Blaine son this is the best for you. You are going to thank us for thi-.",I cut my mom off."How old is that girl?",I asked with a clenched jaw. „She turns 18 in in a couple days","Does she even wan't to marry me.","She doesent have another chance son",my dad said and relaxed into his seat.

I balled my fists and stood up. There was no way I was going to stay here any longer. „Bullshit. That won't happen. I am not a fucking pedophile.",I said and walked out of the restaurant. My emotions are filled with anger. The worst thing is that I can't do anything about it. I will have to marry her my dads words are demands. There is no other option.

~Delana's Pov~
I walked trough the hallways of the school like a ghost. I didn't even try to think about sleeping this night since the panick took over me. I experienced an panick attack but no one was there to help so I managed to calm myself down. I am curious when my uncle was going to talk to me about this.

My eyes filled with tears every 10 sec but I managed to hold them back. My friends tried to talk to me several times but I talked myself out. Now I am in the toilett hiding from them. They will notice something is off. I felt so much better these last couple weeks and they noticed it too. I have to get out though because my class starts every minute. I slowly got out of the toiletts and walked to my next class. „Lana wait!",I heard kaiden call. I picked up my paste. He can't see me like this.

„Lana why are you ignoring me?",he said and hold me by my arm. „Oh Kaiden I didn't hear you I am sorry.",I said and smiled at him. „Did you cry",he asked while looking at my puffy eyes. „Oh no I just didn't sleep well tonight.","Still? Man I am sorry. I wanted to ask you what you do tonight?". Aiden told me this morning that we were going shopping for tomorrow as my aunt wanted. „I am busy I am sorry. I am going out with my family tonight.","What about tomorrow?","Tomorrow too I am sorry.",I said.

Kaiden is avery good friend of mine and we used to meet even more often these last months. He is one of the popular kids in the school and amazing in football. But besides that he is an amazing friend and supporter. Several friends of us ship us but I honestly see him as just a friend. He looked disappointed and smiled weakly. „Ouh nevermind. See you later",he said and was about to walk off. „You can come over later tonight. I'll text you when I am home and we can hang out.",I said. Immediatly a smile appeared on his face. „Great see you then","See you".

Honestly I don't know if that is actually a good idea since my uncle wants me to marry some random men. Maybe he'll become stricter. I just hope not. „Looks like you two have a date tonight.". I turned around and saw my best friend amber standing right in the courner. „We are just friends", I said while rolling me eyes. „Ouh okay right. I also hang out with my guy friend all alone on a friday night.","Fuck off am", I said and walked to my next class. I could hear her evil laughs behind me. If she would have known that I was getting married soon. She wouldn't even dare to laugh.I still can't tell anyone. I don't want my aunt to get into some trouble because of me. Its the best if I just keep quiet.

After school I wen't directly into the kitchen since I havent eaten since yesterday. I took some leftovers out of the fridge and heatet them up. I heard the front door open. „Somebody home?', my uncle asked. „Yes I am in the kitchen",I said. „Perfect I wantet to talk to you anyway",he said and sat down on the kitchen stool. My heart immediatly started racing.

„Look lana. Me and your Aunt have planed something for you. This is only for your best. My good old friend Sam Ace, one of the richest men in the coutry has a son, who is currently looking for a wife. Me and your aunt immediatly thought of you. He can provide you with a perfect life. He is wealthy, succesful and handsome. We are going to meet them tomorrow for a dinner. I want you to show up with your best personality and looks. This is not only important for you but also for us.",he said.

My breath picked up its paste but I was able to calm myself down. Its not the first time I heard this so I was prepared for this talk. My uncle waitet for a response but I couldn't really get a word out. „Uncle Robert I am only 17 and I have plans for my future. I wan't to become a doctor. How will that work?","If your so interested in getting into medical school they can help you with that. With sam ace as your father in law there is no college that is going to let you wait".

His words ran trough my head several times after they left his mouth. I still don't want to marry. „He is seven years older than me. That is illegal.","You turn 18 next tuesday so don't worry. And how do you that he is seven years older than you?". He asked with and raised eyebrow. „Ugh- I- I heard you guys talk yesterday.",I said and looked at the floor. „You will thank us one day.", was his las sentence before leaving the house again.

There is no way out of this. He isn't even giving me other options. I also can't disappoint them since my parents loved them. I would disappoint my parents to. My mind is a real mess right now.


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