Chapter 14

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~Delana's Pov~
My anxiety was killing me after that kiss. My heart was racing and breath taken. He has such a strong impact on me I can't describe it.

His strong chest and tall figure took my breath away. He was like art and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

We stood there for a while, since everyone was clapping and cheering. Finally blaine started walking down the stair's and helping me with my dress. We walked through the aisle hand in hand while our families teared up whilst watching us.

When we finally arrived in the car my eyes teared up and I couldn't hide it from blaine.

He took my face into his hands while wiping away my tears away with his thumb. „Shh. It's okay",he whispered and rested his forehead on mine.

„I know this is not real but...I wish my parents where here and saw me",I sobbed and he pulled me into his chest.

„They saw you..they are always watching you",he whispered while stroking my arm softly with his fingertip's. He was seriously taking my sadness away. Not making it less. He made it disappear.

I started focusing on his touch and inhaled his scent through my nose praying that it would never leave it. His head rested on mine while he held me tightly on his chest.

His presence was all I needed. The comfort he gave me was extreme. Next to him I forgot every single thing in life. It was just him and me. Fuck I sound like I fall in love.

When we arrived at the second venue we first went and got changed into our second outfits before attending the party.

„Wow",he said as I stepped out of the room. „You look- Wow",he said and I chuckled. „Thank you, you look wow too","Come here you sassy girl",he said as he hold out his hand for me and locking his fingers with mine.

When we arrived everyone was already there and the music was playing. Laura pulled both of us onto the dance floor and slow music went on.

Blaine looked at me smirking while pulling me by the waist and starting to dance. I wrapped my arms around his neck and a smirk appeared on my face.

„Have I already told you how beautiful you look today?",he said as he didn't take his eyes from me. „I don't think so. Thank you. You don't look too bad too",I said with a fat smirk on my face. He chuckled and brought his forehead on mine.

„Do you know who talked to the designer of youre dresses? Who choose the style and the fabric?",he said and the realisation hit me. He did.

„You did","Smart girl",he said and a warm smile appeared on his face.

We danced to the music and almost forgot that we weren't alone in that venue. His forehead restet on mine, both our eyes closed and warm smiles on our faces. We clearly played a good couple. Or we weren't playing. It didn't feel like it.

His arms embraced my waist pulling me even closer, as I tightened my arms around his neck.

We were so concentrated on each other that we didn't even realize that the song stopped. When we finally stopped everybody started clapping and cheering and taking pictures of us.

Blaine took me by my hand taking me to our guests and we talked to them.

„Delana my love",I heard theresa calling me. I turned around and saw theresa, laura, benjamin blaines brother and chris blaines dad. „Come here",theresa said as she hugged me in tears. From now on we are your famile too. If you need something never hesitate to call us you are our daughter too.",she said and tears filled my eyes.

„Thank you all. It really means a lot to me"."Call us mom and dad. Please",chris said with a warm smile. I nodded while tears fell down my face. „I will",I said and everybody took me into a big hug.

„Wait group hug without me?",blaine called and joint us while we laughed.

The rest of the night we danced, talked to our guests and honestly had so much fun. This wedding felt so real and I enjoyed every second of it.

Now it was time to go home and I honestly am dieying. I don't know what will happen next. He might be distant again. Or not.

During the car ride he rested one hand on my naked thigh through the slip of my dress and one on the steering wheel. Fuck this man is hot. His touch burnt into my skin and my stomach felt like a explosion.

When we finally arrived after an hour of driving we stopped on a huge gate. He opened the window and talked to the bodyguard's that stood there lined up and they opened the gate.

The gate opened and revealed a long lightened gateway. He drove the way and soon it revealed a huge mansion. „Oh my- wow",I pressed out. „You like it?","I love it", I said as he stopped the car and got out to help me out of the car.

He helped me out and we finally walked in

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He helped me out and we finally walked in. My eyes couldn't believe that I was going to be living here.
I am in love. Seriously.

We walked in and my breath hitched as I saw the interrior. Everything was so classy and modern. Exactly how I imagened my dream home.

„If there are things you want to change or include we can talk about it tomorrow lets first get some rest",he said as he pulled me towards the stairs.

„No. I seriously love it",I said and he looked back smiling at me. „Great. I told you to trust me","And I told you I do",I said with a fat smirk on my face.

„Sass queen",he mumbled and chuckled. He guided me trough a long hallway and finally stopped. „This is your room",he said and opened the door to a master bedroom. I just stood there with widened eyes looking into the enormous bedroom. „Wow", I just pressed out. 

„My room is right here. If you need something let me know.",he said and pointed at the door right infornt of mine. I just nodded.

We first just stood there in complete silence until he broke it„Good night","Good night",I responded before both of us got info our rooms and closed our doors.

Ohhhh goooshhhhh. The next chapter is going to be spicyyyyyy😆
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