Chapter 29

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Blaine worked till the afternoon. I was just sitting around the pool of the villa, reading books. Our tour is in half an hour and I am alrealdy dressed but waiting for blaine to finish his work.

Finally his suit was off and he was in holiday clothes. „I was thinking about leaving the suit on but I didn't want to steal your show",he grinned as he approached me.

„Finally the princess has made it",I sighed out sarcastically causing him to chuckle.

He pulled me by my waist to himself. „Now it is just us-.",he got cut off by his phone.

„and work",I ended his sentence laughing. He looked at me pity but I just send him a smile.

„Come on pick up mr. CEO",I encoraged him and he smiled.

My favorite person smiling.

„I am gonna be right back",he said before he picked up the call. I just nodded in response.

I don't want him to feel bad. Yes it does bother me that his time for me is limited but he is a CEO now, it is what he always dreamed of. He has more responsibilitys and that is fine with me as long as he is happy.

I sat on the couch in the livingroom as I waited for blaine to finish his call but it took very long. That is when I realised we missed the tour.

Disappointment grew in me but I suppressed it. He is a CEO he can't always have time for you.

My thoughts calmed me down but I was still sad that we missed it.

„Fuck! We missed the tour",blaine hissed as he ran down the stairs. „Babe I am so-.","It is okay blaine. Calm down. It is just a tour",I laughed trying my best to not show my disappiontment.

„But you love tours. Stop acting like everything is fine",he said, clearly disappionted from himself.

„Of course I am a little sad but hey. Now we have to whole day for us. Me and you. We can explore the island without a tour guide.",I told him as I cupped his cheeks in my hands.

„I don't deserve you",he whispered before kissing me. „You do.",mumbled into the kiss.

I love this man way too much to be mad at him.

We headed out without a plan and just explored the island. We literally had so much fun learning about the island until dinner. That's when things got weird.

„Blaine is everything okay?", I asked as blaine looked frantically around the restaurant.

„Yeah what where you saying? About the elephants?",he asked as his eyes were glued to the table at the other side of the restaurant.

„Blaine look at me.",I demanded as I grabbed his chin and made him look into my eyes.

„What is going on?",I asked. „Nothing baby. Don't worry",he said as he removed my hands from his chin and took them into his hands.

I know something is going on. These men on that table have been following us all day. And honestly I am terrified too.

They might be from some sort of mafia.

„Baby if you need us to leave them let's go. We can have dinner at our hotel. We have security there",I talked but his eyes were glued on that table again.

„Come on we are leaving",he demanded as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the restaurant.

I looked over to the man on the table who stood up too.

We walked out quickly and got into a taxi.

I just want to leave. This night is not going to end well.

The taxi driver turned out to be one of our guards and he drove us to the hotel.

When we arrived blaine started making several phone calls, scaring the shit out of me.

„Blaine please tell me what is going on",I pleaded as he hung up.

My eyes went glossy and I sat down on the couch.

„Everything is fine but we need to leave bali. I am sorry babe I know you wanted to explore this place but we are not save here",he explained as he kneeled down infront of me and took my hands in his.

I just nodded. I do trust him and I know nothing will happen to me as long as he is by my side. But I am scared for him too.

„Nothing will happen to us. You understand? Nothing. Not as long as I am with you.",he smiled and pressed a kiss on my lips.

„Now go and pack your suitcase". I got up and went into our closet, frantically packing.

I am panicking. God help me. I really don't know what is going to happen. Are they going to kill us? Or just Blaine? Or what do they want?


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