Chapter 11

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~Delana's Pov~
2 Months later
Today I wrote my last final exam. These last months were honestly like hell. I just studied and focused on school rather than anything else. Meanwhile the whole school knows I am engaged. Nobody knows who but they know that I am. Kaiden absolutely hates me since that day. But I honestly don't care. I won't be sad over a guy that is violent towards me on my birthday and makes me cry. Asshole.

I didn't hear from blaine neither. We just met a few times in these last two months only talking about the wedding. He has his distance to me and I honestly could explode out of anger. His mood swings are worse than a pregnant women. I kind of missed him. His dominant presence and fresh smell. I hate him but also my heart softens when I think of him. He has a hard shell but as soon as he loosens he turns into a pretty fun person. I honestly don't know his real intentions on why he was so distant to me.

On my way back home I picked up some coffee before walking back home. I needed this. Our wedding is in 1 week. Yes we decided to marry earlier since everyone already knows. Today his mom and sister are going to pick me,the girls and my aunt up to go dress shopping.
I looked for a lot of dresses but none really looked good on me. Blaine's mom theresa told me to pick out two dresses. One for the ceremony and the other one for the party. Now its a way bigger challenge. They had costum made dresses for me. I tried on one of them and fell in love with it.. This might be dress I was going to wear on the ceremony.It was white with thin fabric layered and shoulder free long sleeves.

It was white with thin fabric layered and shoulder free long sleeves

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I stepped out and everyone started worshiping me. I was so happy I loved the dress and felt so comortable in it. Next dress I picked out was the for the party after the ceremony. It was much more convinient because its easier to move in it. It is White too and wide , with a cut on the leg.

I fell in love with both and also got both of them

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I fell in love with both and also got both of them. Theresa payed for the dresses because she said thats an cultural thing they had italy. The grooms family paid for the wedding dress. Or dresses. After we went to eat dinner and then to theresa's home to chill there a bit.
We all had drinks and fun until a stressed out and agressive blaine got home. He banged the door shut causing us all to scream out. He didn't even look who was in the livingroom and just ran upstairs full of anger.

I looked over to theresa who signed me to go to him. Perfect. This was gonna be awkward. I went upstairs and knocked on his door wich was the last in the long hallway. „Come in",I heard him hiss. I opened the door and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. „What happened?",I asked as I slowly approached him after closing the door behind me. His breath was fast and heavy.

„Calm down. Breath",I said as I sat down on the bed right next to him searching for his gaze. I guided him trough his breaths and saw him relaxing. „Pshht",I said as I stroke his leg. He liftes his head from his face and looked at me. „Thank you",he said looking deathly exhausted. „Youre welcome.What happend",I asked again. „Work gets fucking exhausting. I haven't slept in two fucking days and now the fucking company I was working with want's to stop working with me",he said his anger coming back.

„Calm down. You can handle that. Is there no way you can get them back","No. They already took their decision. My father is going to be pissed man",he complained and let his body fall back into his bed. „Interesting to see such a scary men like you whining about his father",I said smirking and earned a chuckle from him. „You don't know how scary he gets",he said looking up at me. „I can imagine",I said laughing.

„How was your final exam?",he asked. He asked me how my exam was. Now that is what I needed. He remembered it even though he has so much going on himself. „Pretty good. I did my best. I past all gladly",I said and he smiled wide. „Congratulations. I am really proud of you",he said as he pulled me into a hug. His affection was making me nervous. Here he was again. The nice Blaine. We layed there arm in arm no one saying a word and just enjoying each others company.

„I was really busy these last weeks. I am sorry if I treated you wrong",he said while turning to look me into my face. He put one hand on my cheek while the other one was around my waist, pulling me closer. His touch made me shiver as I couldn't take my eyes off of his eyes, trailing down at his lips. We were so close again. Closer than anytime before. „I-.",I started to stop anything we both were going to regret. „Shhh. Don't say anything",he said against my lips as our nosetips brushed agains each other.

„Have you found your dresses?",he asked as his thumb brushed over my lips making me weak in my knees. I nodded softly looking at his eyes wich were attached to my lips. „I can't wait to see you in them",he whispered against my lips before placing soft kisses on the edge of my lips. I closed my eyes breathed out loud in pleasure. His teasing wasn't as useful as he thought. My patience won.

„Your patience is kiling me","The contract",I whispered."Fuck that contract"he bursted  and pulled me closer by the waist before placing his lips on mine. It took me a moment until I repeatet the kiss. He pushed himself on top of me cagging me between his arms. His tounge brushed over my lip as I opened my mouth for his tounge to enter.

Our kiss was slow but also wild. Full with lust and passion. He was so gentle with me. My arms were wrapped around his neck grabbing into his short hair. I pulled it making him groan. His kisses traveled from my lips to my jaw, to my neck causing me to escape an moan before traveling up on my lips again. After what? 15 mins of making out without a single moment to take a breath he pulled away. Our hair was messy and lips puffy when we looked at each other after.

He let himself fall on the bed besides me pulled me onto his chest. I enjoyed his presence because I knew that he would soon put his cold shell on again.


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