Chapter 9

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~Delana's Pov~
We continued walking after his serious mood swings kickt in again. The first moment he was cold as ice the next he is nice to me again. This man needs some fucking therapy. His phone started ringing and he excused himself as he picked up and made his way to the park to talk alone. I was standing by the water as a guy approached me.

„Hey beautiful, do you know where I can find a flower shop",he asked. „Ugh- Yes there is one right around the courner at the end of the street.",I said nervously because he was coming very close to me. I took a step back. „Why don't you show me where it is.",he said as he put his hand on my back as he tried to lead me away from the sidewalk.

„No sir. I can't show you. Please stop touching me",I said as I was trying to free myself from his grip. He soon got pulled away from me and punched into the face. „Blaine! Stop!",I screamed. „She said don't fucking touch her! So why do you keep your dirty hand on my fiance?!",he yell and continued punching him. „Blaine stop!",I screamed and was finally able to pull him away from the man.

He took my hand agressively and pulled me back to the car. „Blaine stop! You are hurting me",I said while tears filled my eyes. He looked down to me and stopped walking and letting go of my hand. „I am sorry. Fuck",he complained trying to controll his breath from his anger. „It's okay. Breath slowly. In through the nose and out through the mouth",I said as I took deep breaths with him.

I took his hand into mine and soon he calm down letting out a deep breath before his eyes locked on mine. This made me remember my dad. He also struggled with anger but everytime me or my mom did this he instantly calm down. „Thank you",he said not taking his eyes from mine. „No. Thank you for helping",I said catching a soft smile from him. When he realized we still held hands he pulled away while looking back to his car. „I should drive you home again. You have school tomorrow.",he said as he continued walking again, having me follow him.

This guy is hiding something but I don't know what. It seems like he cares about me. Maybe he just feels sorry for me because of my parents. My head is a mess.

During the car ride his words ran through my mind. ‚Don't touch my fiance'. It was weird to hear that from his mouth. He was more like a stranger to me but I also felt safe around him. Like if I knew him a lot longer and a lot better. The car ride was silent als always. But this time it was a comfortable silence. He was focused on the road while my thoughts consumed my brain again. I carefully watched him drive. He looks reeaaalllyy hot.

He got one hand on the steering wheel while the other was resting on the arm rest between our seats. He looked like art and his cologne stained my nose. The thought of sharing a home with him soon made me nervous and I honestly don't know how I am going to survive it. At least we got the contract.
He dropped me up at home and smiled this time before wishing me a good night. It was already 8 pm when I came home and as always I needed to update my nosy family about the, how they call it ‚date'. Soon after I went into my room and watched some netflix before actually sleeping in.

I woke up with a good amount of sleep. I stretched myself before sitting up and realizing that its my birthday. My first birthday without my parents. My eyes filled with tears and I couldn't stop them from falling. I cried as I picked the old family picture I had on my nighstand up. I remebered how exited my parents were last year when they realized that I was turning 18 in a year.

I missed them so much. So so much. The talks with my oldest brother. The overprotective comments of my other brother. I used to be bothered by it but now I miss it more than anything. I watched the big diamond ring on my finger. I just realized how big it actually was. I couldn't wear it to school so I took it off and put it into an old ringbox that I had and hid it in my closet. I walked to the bathroom washing my face and brushing my teeth.

When I came back to my room I immediatly picked up the black low waist cargos and put them on, along with a short white tank top. I then did my make up and waved my long brown hair. Kaiden and my aunt came into the room singing happy birthday while having candles on a stack of pancakes.

I started smiling like its the first time it was my birthday. „Make a wish",they said before I blew the candles and both hugged me. Then they needed to leave for work and I took some bites of the pancakes before realizing that I was running late. I put on some jewerly and packed my backpack, before leaving the house forgetting a pull over since it wasn't that warm outside.

Now I picked up my phone as I was walking to school. I got 44 texts and 5 of them from kaiden. I replied to everyone until I saw a unknown number. ‚Hey lana, its Blaine. Happy Birthday .Have fun',very dry but I see the effort. „Thank you Blaine",I shortly replied.

When I wen't into the school building everyone came up to me wishing me a happy birthday. I was really happy to see how many people I had around me that cared about me. I was sitting in the cafeteria when I saw kaiden with flowers in his hand approaching me. He smiled at me before I hugged him arround his neck. „Happy Birthday love",he talked into my neck. „Thank you.",I pulled away and he gave the flowers to me. „Stop. Youre so cute",I whined as I hugged his waist with one arm.

He put his arm around me as we turned around tp amber and the girls. „I guess we have some lovebirds around",amber said looking to the other girls. „Stop. We are just friends",I said and winked to kaiden who chuckled. The rest of the schoolday I was just smiling from ear to ear while my friends made me forget of the absence of my family. „We are going to pick you up at 5. Lets go out and have some fun",amber said with riley and samantha by her side. „Fine what is the dress code",I asked. „Uhh.. Dress",she said winking at the other girls.
I went home saw no car at the driveway. Seems like nobody is home. It was already 4 when I arrived home so I directly went to take a shower and chose an outfit. I went for a black dress and tied heels.

I straitend my hair and let it fall sleekly behind my back

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I straitend my hair and let it fall sleekly behind my back. I put on make up and this time I even put on some lip gloss. I am 18. Finally an adult. Actually I dont know if I should be happy about it because the responsibility that comes with it gives me real anxiety. My phone started ringing and it was amber. They must be waiting for me outside. I sprayed on some perfume before leaving the house and getting into the car.

The wohle drive we just sang and celebrated. Until they told me that they need to blindfold me. I first said no but I could never win a fight against the three of them. They ended up blindfolding me and the car stopped. I don't even know where we are. They leaded me to whereever we were going and then they took the scarf away from my face. My eyes widened when I saw ALL yes I mean ALL my friends and family standing in a huge venue screaming „Surprise".

My eyes teared up and quickly I started crying in my friends arms. Completely dismissing the fact that I was in Kaiden's arms while my family was there. I quickly pushed him away and turned to my family until I met Blaine's anger filled eyes. Fuck.


The next chapter is going to be Blaine's Pov... get ready for some drama;)

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