Chapter 33

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~Lana's Pov~

I spend the whole day thinking about how that could be true.

It made sense.

It all added up.

I always thought my dad didn't get along with his family and thats the reason we never met them. He also always told us we shouldn't ask about them.

My uncle once even called him Xavier but corrected himself quickly. My mom also got called Suzanne by my aunt once even though her name was Alison.

At least that's what I thought.

I just don't know how to accept it. I want to ask him. But I can't.

I have been avoiding Blaine ever since he told me. He left quickly after and now it is midnight and he haven't arrived home yet.

I was laying in bed, my eyes slowly close shut as I forced them open again.

Where is Blaine? Something might've happened.

After a while I fell asleep but got woken up as I felt the other side of the mattress sink.

„Where have you been?",I asked.

„Work. Go to sleep now.",he demanded in a cold tone.

„What happened?",I asked again as I turned around to look at him.

„Nothing. Just go to sleep. You need rest.","Tell me.","I am leaving for mafia war. That is what happened. Tomorrow I will leave. Now go to sleep Lana".

Is he being serious? He is leaving? This soon?

„What?". A tear rolled down my face. He sighed and sat down on the bed.

„I wanted to tell you tomorrow. I am leaving. We got surrounded by the Russian and Spanish mafia. I have to keep you safe. I will leave tomorrow night and we'll fly to moskow.",he explained.

„Please don't leave. Please. I can call my uncle, I'll figure it out.".

„Don't even think about that. He is the reason for all this. He will only cause more trouble.",his voice vibrated through my body.

„For how long will you be gone?","I don't know. It might be weeks, months or maybe years. I want you to be prepared. This is a huge war. I have to stay away from you so they won't find you. They think we are back in the US. You are going to stay with my aunt and uncle. Joey will be here with you to keep you safe.".

He was rambling on words but I couldn't follow him anymore. That was too much information at once.

I pulled him on top of me and pressed my lips on his. He repeated the kiss and grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him.

„Fuck I will miss this.",he groaned in to the kiss.

Me too Blaine. Me too.

His touch keeps me warm. His affection gives me life.

That night he didn't fuck me, he made love to me. His touch and thrusts were full with love and emotions. He was gentle and slow.

This felt different. This was a goodbye. I knew it and I enjoyed it. I know Blaine good enough to know that I can't chance his mind about the war.

He is going there and he will fight for us. Even though I don't want to.

The thought of not hearing his voice for weeks makes me crazy. But I have to stay strong.

I was laying in his arms at 7 am in the morning studying every inch of his chest as he watched me. We didn't sleep for a single second that night.

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