Chapter 25

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~Delana's Pov~

2 Months later still no sign from him. What is he doing? Is he okay? He didn't came home since what happened at the hospital.

I was studying in the garden when I recieved a video from Blaine's dad.


I started the video and saw that it was the video of blaine and the women.

The Video shows how the women are approaching him and asking him something. He smiles and nodds and they pose into a camera.

Blaine first looks confused when he sees the women sitting on his lap but then laughs when he is looking at benjamin who broke out in laughter.

Fuck. He wasn't lying. He said the truth. He never lied.

The front door opened and closed.

I stood up to go check and saw blaine in the hall.

He looked tired. His beard looks messy and he hadn't had a haircut.

„Listen to me please. Lana I am so sorry-.",I cut him off by pressing my lips on his.

He wrapped his arms around my body and lifted me up. I threw my arms around his neck running my hands through his hair.

I pulled away. „If you ever. Ever make us go through something like this again. I swear to god I will kill you with my bare hands",I threatened.

He chuckled. „That won't be necessary because I will die myself because of your deprive.",he said and pressed one more kiss on my lips.

„I am sorry Lana. So sorry. There is not one day were I don't think about us...and our baby. I swear to god if I knew...this would've never happened.",he said while striking my cheeks with his thumb.

„The loss is still very hard. We could have been happy now. I would have been pregnant and we would have found out about the gender now. Buying baby clothes, reading books, going to useless classes together. But I couldn't take care of our baby",I said as single tears fell down my cheeks.

He kissed them and rested his forehead on mine.

„Don't make yourself responsible for what happened. There was nothing you could do. It was my fault for leaving you alone and breaking you. And we can still have kids. One day when you truly feel ready. We will have as many kids as you want.","I want a full Soccer team",I sobbed.

He chuckled. „Anything you want baby. Nothing would make me more happy",he said before pressing a kiss on my lips.

„Now I have some news for you",he said smirking at me. My eyes widened. „What?".

„Your husband is officially CEO. That means I am more flexible with working aaaand that means we are going on our honeymoon. Tomorrow",he smirked.

My jaw dropped.

„Congratulations omg. But what??!!! our honeymoon?!!",I asked exited.

I truly am happy for him. He works so hard. He deserves the best.

He nodded smiling bright. I smiled too and placed my hand on his cheek.

„I missed that smile",i admitted as I pressed a kiss on his lips.

„I missed yours even more",he said kissing my neck.

I let my head fall back as he continued kissing my neck moving up to my jaw.

„And the taste of this skin. The smell of this hair. The curves of this body",he whispers as he runs his hands down my hips and then to my ass giving it a squeeze.

He continued kissing my neck and sucking on it. A soft moan escaped my lips causing him to growl.

I felt his hard budge press against my stomach.

„Trust me if I could I would fuck you right here on this wall but I don't want anyone to see what is mine",he said in a raspy voice.

Fuck he turned me on.

My already wet pussy was screaming for him.

He lifted me up by my thighs and I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me upstairs.

He let me down on the bed hovering over me.

„Have you missed me?",he asked and I nodded. „How much. Show me",he demanded putting his hand into my sweatpants.

He rubbed my throbbing clit making me moan.

„You're soaked babe. Was it that bad without my touch?",he chuckled in a raspy voice.

I nodded again. „Use your words babe","Yes",I said in a shaky voice, trying to control my breath.

„Did you touch yourself?",he whispered into my ear 

„Yes",I said. „Did you think about me?".

I nodded again. „Yes".

„Good girl",he whispered before pulling his hand away from my pussy.

I gasped at the lost of his touch as he took my pants off along with my panties.

I pulled my top over my head leaving me in only a bra underneath him.

He stared down on my body full with lust in his eyes.

He pulled down the straps of my bra while placing kisses on my colar.

He reached his hands under my back opening my bra and throwing it into one of the corners of the room.

His lips attacked my breast and hands massaged one while the other was being sucked off by him.

„Fuck blaine",I moaned. He continued sucking on them until my juices ran down my pussy.

He looked down at me smirking. „Fuck blaine just do it",I said while grabbing on the sheets.

My pussy was pulsing for him.

He smirked as he put one finger inside me. My back arched and he pushed it down with his other hand.

I moaned while he thrusted his fingers inside me.

„Yeah",I panted.

He lowered his head between my thighs adding his tongue.

My moans filled the room with Blaine's sucking noises.

I reached my high and released my juices into his mouth as I relaxed into the mattress.

He licked my pussy before moving up to my face again kissing my hungrily.

„Now it is my turn",I said as I flipped us over sitting on top of him.

I put off his whole suit before moving on my knees.

His dick was already ready but I still wanted to do some work on it.

I smirked at blaine as I pulled his boxers down his legs and throwing it away.

I slowly twirled my tongue around his tip causing him to groan and curse.

He gripped onto my hair while pushing himself in my mouth.

I took in as much as I could and rubbed the rest with my hands.

„Fuck. Babe just like that",he cursed through gritted teeth.

Shortly after he released himself inside my mouth and watched me as I swallowed it all before putting a condom on it.



don't forget go vote and comment you guysss it makes me soo happy<33333

Love you all and thank you for your support so far🥺

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