Chapter 28

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I watched her as her plump lips connected with my abs, placing kisses on them.

She licked her lips while looking up to me smirking softly.

Her kisses traveled down on my dick placing small kisses on the tip before taking it all into her mouth.

This women is driving me insane.

I want her to be mine forever. She isn't allowed to look at anyone like she looks at me.

Not anyone is allowed to see her like I do.

On her knee's, sucking me off while looking up to me with her beautiful eyes.

She swallowed all of my release, not even leaving one last drop.

I lost the grip on her hair, sitting up and pulling her into my lap.

„Tell me how do you want me to fuck you",I breathed against her lips.

„You choose",she whispered back.

I chuckled before pressing my lips onto her lips.

I laid her down, hovering over her.

I slowly rubbed her clit with my finger, making her escape an moan.

She grabbed onto the sheets as I stuck a finger into her.

Her eyes closed and back arched.

„Don't. Look at me",I demanded.

Her eyes snapped back open, looking me in the eyes.

I slowly placed kisses on her inner thighs before licking her pussy.

She watched me while having a hard time not closing her eyes.

Her breath got heavier as I twirled my tongue inside her.

She is fucking drenched.

I looked up to her seeing her lips slightly parted moaning.

„Just like that",she panted.

A smirk appeared on my face.

She loves it.

After she release into my mouth I lined up on her entrance.

I thrusted into her hard over and over again. I picked up my pace and our breathing got heavier.

She looks so beautiful when I fuck her. I looked down at her grabbing the sheets and arching her back.

Her legs wrapped around me as I thrust into her over and over again.

Her moans came out soft but she bit her lip, trying to quiet them.

I laid my forehead on hers as I pulled her lip away from her teeth with my thumb.

„Don't be quiet baby. I want to hear how good I make you feel",I whispered as I liftet her thighs over my shoulder to get deeper.

„Ouhh fuck Blaine",she moaned out as her toes curled.

Exactly what I was waiting for.

I thrusted into her harder before they became sloppy and we both reached our orgasm.

I fell on the bed next to her.

I turned her to her side to face me as I stroke her hair softly.

„I love you Lana. Not even death can stop me from loving you. I will always love you.",I whispered.

A tear fell down her face.

„If you die. I will die too Blaine. You are the only thing I have left in life. I love you too much.",her shaky voice vibrated through my body.

I pulled her into my chest. As I stroke her back she listened to my heartbeat and drew circle motions on my chest.

The Power this girl holds is unbelievable. Never have I thought to love someone this much. But I do.

I wish I could stop time and make this moment last forever. No fights. No work. No mafia. No separation from her.

The next morning I already woke up at 5 am to get ready for my video call.

I slowly released Lana into the sheets as I got up, trying my best not to wake her up.

I put on my button down and suit jacket along with a tie.

No I don't wear pants. First of all it is way to warm in Bali and second of all they can't see my lower body either way.

So I just sit there in the office of the villa in my boxers. Working during my honeymoon.

~Delana's Pov~

I woke up in a empty bed. Blaine already woke up.

He is probably in a meeting.

I hope he gets done as soon as possible so we can make it to the tour in time.

I put on one of his shirts before heading downstairs and making myself and Blaine a coffee.

I picked up his mug and went to the office of the Villa. I opened the door slowly with my elbow as I saw Blaine sitting there in his boxers.

I suppressed my laugh as I raised the mug to signal him I made coffee for us.

„Oh Mr. Vasquez let me introduce you to my wife Delana.",he spoke.

Me? Right now? In just his shirt?

My eyes widened as I tried to adjust my hair infront of me and lowered myself to the level of the video camera.

Blaine pulled me on his lap and made me sit on it.

My cheeks heated up.

„Hello Mr. Vasquez",I spoke.

„Hello Delana. I heard a lot about you. You really managed it to make a proper man out of our boy Blaine",he laughed.

„Yeah kinda. I am still working on it though",I said and Blaine chuckled.

„I would love to welcome you and Blaine to our mansion in Italy if you guys want to of course",he spoke.

I looked over to Blaine who was waiting for me to answer.

I mean we plan on going to Italy next week so it actually could work out. It would also be the perfect chance for Blaine to better his working relationship.

„Yes why not. We would love to.",I smiled.

„Great. That's Perfect.",he cheered.

„We are really exited too but I don't want to bother your meeting anymore so I'll just leave the both of you alone again. Have a great day.","You too Delana",he smiled ,I chuckled before getting up and leaving the office again.

Well that was embarrassing.

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