Chapter 1

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Hello loves,
this is my first story ever and I don't really know what I am doing so if you have any tips or critic's, please feel free to share them with me. I don't really have set looks for the characters so you'll have the freedom to imagine it yourself.
I hope you guys like the story and enjoy it.<3
~Delanas Pov~

6 Months earlier
"Lana wake up we are running late!!!.....DELANA CELINE WAKE UP". My moms voice took me out of my lovely sleep. "I'm up!!", I shout back and slowly stumbled to the bathroom. After seeing my face in the mirror and my family running through the house I realized what was going on. We are going on vacation. After a look on the watch I realized that I only have 30 mins to get ready .

I rushed and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I ran back to my room and put on some concealer and mascara before brushing my hair and putting on my oversized hoodie along with some short leggings. This was the only thing I hated about traveling. Even though we don't need to be somewhere at a certain time, my dad always made set times to leave the house.

I took my packed suitcase and backpack and left the house just in time. My brothers ans parents where already waiting for me outside. "Better than last time",my oldest brother said while shrugging his shoulders. "Shut up man. I am not even a minute late",I hissed back. "Okay kids give your suitcase to your dad and get in the car".

We did as demanded and sat down. My two older brother's where big as f***k. Not like fat, but tall. We all are pretty tall I mean I am the shortest one in the Family but 5'9. We never really talk a lot except me and my oldest brother. I can talk to him about everything and he always has an open ear for me and gives the best advice. My other brother is more agressive and cold. I still love both of them a lot even though I don't show it.

My parents got in the car and we started our 48 hour drive. I picked out my earphones and phone out of my backpack and listened to music, while my parents discussed the plans.

4 hours later

We are already driving since 4 hours and I haven't eaten anything, so we switched the road to go to mcdonalds. It was a weird road. We needed to drive trough a forest and it was pretty dark even tough it was 1 pm. Something was odd. We must have gotten the wrong adress or something. „Dad are you sure you are driving right?, I asked concerned. „Yes honey, I am following the GPS","Well this place seems odd. Maybe its the wrong adress","Don't worry, it must be here somewhere- ‚'. The next moment we just saw a huge truck crash into our car and the next moment my vision was gone.

17 days later

I woke up in a white room. Everything was bright and I heard beeping noises. What am I doing here. My head was banging and I was connected to monitors. Where am I? „Doctor Meyer she woke up", I heard a soft voice say. „Mrs. Harvey how are you feeling", a tall male figure build up in front of me. „Where am I? What happened?". My mind was still racing and searching for memorys."You had an extreme traffic accident. Its a big wonder that you survived.",he said calmly."What?...Wait where is my family?",I asked before the Realisation hit me. I slowly regained my consciousness and remembers what happened. The Doctors face dropped and he looked at me with a sad face. „I am sorry...they didn't make it...".
I felt cold air running trough my body. Tears build up in my eyes and I started breathing hesitantly. This couldn't be true.

6 Months later

Its been half a year since I lost my family. My happiness and joy in life was stolen from me ever since. The grief didn't leave me and it feels like the accident happened yesterday. I not only lost my family, I lost my best friends, my biggest supporter's and my life. I moved from house to house but I didn't feel home anywhere. Nobody in this world could replace my parents and their position in my life.

Last month I decided to move into a complete different city to start a complete new chapter. I live with my oldest Aunt, her husband and 3 sons. My oldest cousin was 30 years old, the middle one 27 and the youngest is 11. They keep me busy all day and support me during my preparation for medical school. I wan't to become a doctor because thats what my parents always wanted me to be. I wan't to make them proud and show them what always wanted to see in me. A successful and strong women.

I was ripped out of my toughts by my cousins knock on my door. „Can I come in?",he asked while peeking his head inside of my room. „Yes of course", I said softly while sitting up. „How is my beautiful cousin doing today?",he sat down next to me while his words made me smile. "I am doing good. Thank you for asking. I am just trying to clear my head","What about us going out. Shopping? Dinner? Movies? Whatever you wan't",he said while smiling at me softly. „Thats very nice and its hard for me to say no but I need to study for my final exams". I was still in highschool and for my dream job I needed to do what I need to do. „Thats fine. Just tell me if you need something I am in my room",he said and kissed my head softly. „I will", I responded and he went out of my room again. I sighed and started studying again. Thats the only way I can shut my mind and think about something else but that accident.

~Blaine's Pov~
I sat in the VIP section in the club drinking and having chicks around me dancing on my lap. Thank you dad and your money. Me and my friends enjoyed the view infront of us. The Girl climbed on my lap as she started grinding on me. „Want to go in a room",she asked me and how could I say no to such a lovely women. We went upstairs as I heard my name got called.

I turned around to see friend standing there with his phone on his ear. „Bro your dad want's to talk to you",he yelled. Fuck man. „Wait here",I told the girl before picking the phone up and going to the bathroom. „What?",I hissed. „Get your drunk as home and leave that whore where she is, before I come and get you myself",he yelled into the speaker. „I am not drunk and what girl","Don't lie! I have my man watching over you dumbass",he hissed and hung up. Perfect

From now on I am going to update day. I hope y'all liked it <333
Pleade vote and comment!! It means a lot to me 🫶🏼

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