Chapter 24

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~Delana's Pov~

I woke up to the worst head ache. My whole body was stiff and bright light shined into my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw blaine sitting on a chair next to my bed with his hands on mine and head on the edge of the bed.

He was sleeping.

Then the Realisation hit me. I remembered everything from yesterday.

My tears picked up again and fell down my face. I tried to cry in silence to not wake him up.

He smelled like aclohol. Disgusting. Disgusting but I don't want him to move away.

His warm touch makes me feel safe.

Why would he hurt me. After everything?

He did this to us. Nothing can be like it used to be.

Not after yesterday.

I would have forgiven him for the mafia thing. But yesterday was too much.

He wasn't with me when I found out we lost our child. He was out clubbing. Cheating on me.

And I needed him. More than anything or anyone in that moment.

His head rose and I pulled my hand away.

„Lana.God  you woke up",he said exited.

He moved closer but I moved away.

„I am so sorry baby-.","Don't call me that",I said sniffling.

„I was in pain blaine. I called you. I called you for help. You didn't pick up. Then I found out you was out with women while I was in the hospital finding out I lost our baby we didn't even know about!",I yell.

His head fell and he looked to the floor.

„I am sorry. My phone was in the car and those women- I swear to got I didn't had anything going on with them. They wanted a picture with me and I agreed. I didn't know the one would sit down on my lap. I swear to god. I am sorry. Fuck I messed up I know",he cursed out while standing up and pacing around the room.


„NO I WASN'T SMILING BECAUSE I LIKED IT. FUCK I WAS DRUNK AND MAD AT MYSELF. I know I don't deserve you. I know. I promise I will divorce you as soon as you are in college. You deserve happiness and love. Someone who makes you truly happy and isn't as busy as I am.",he talked.

„I really wanted to make you happy. I tried my best. But I don't know how. How do I make a women as perfect as you happy. How? I am busy working. You have to wait hours for me to be home. I am leading a mafia and I don't even know how. I am not made for this. But I work non-stop to make sure you are okay and happy. I want to spend time with you but I can't. I really love you lana. So much that I have to forget my own feelings. I don't want you to leave. But I have to.",he said as tears ran down his cheeks.

He was crying. He was seriously crying. He showed so much emotions. I am shocked. This can't be played.

It felt so authentic. I kind of believe him.

Don't be naive lana.

„I was happy blaine. These last days I was planing on giving it a go because I missed you. I wanted to stay. I really wanted to. Because I was happy. Even those two hours we spend together every single night made me so happy. I waited impatiently for the day to end. So you would come home. I trusted you. I relied on you. But you broke my world down yesterday. And then I got these pictures..... I needed you blaine.",I said and broke down after my last sentence.

He came and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

His face was burried in my hair and my face in the crouch of his neck, inhaling his scent.

This felt like a good bye. Even though I don't want to admit it. It might be one.

He cupped my cheeks with his hands and pressed his lips onto mine.

I replied the kiss and ran my hands through his hair.

The kiss was sloppy but it was full of emotions.


He pulled away resting his forehead on mine.

„I am sorry Lana. It is the best for you.",he whispered before pressing one last kiss on my lips and leaving.

I wanted him to stay. I wanted to call his name again telling him that we could try again but no.

I couldn't. The words didn't leave my mouth. It fucking hurt that he left me but it's the best for both of us.

2 months later
~Blaine's Pov~

It has been 2 months. 2 months of constant anger.

I feel like I am about to explode.

I have never been more unhappy with my life than right know.

I miss lana. So fucking much. I have been sleeping on my office couch for two months straight.

I want to leave the house to her.

A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts.

„Hey, son",my dad came in.

„Hey",I responded.

„We need to talk. I heard you and lana separated. And I also know the reasons for it.".


„Dad look-.","If work is stressing you out so much son you should have told me. I could have helped you with the mafia or company. Your marriage and happiness is way more important to me right now. And those pictures of you and the ***s are also off the internet. I made sure of that.",he explained.

I am honestly shocked. My dad actually did something for me. In years.

„Dad we decided to get a divorce soon. I can't make her happy. She deserves someone normal. I can't even take one day off of work to go spend time with her",I explained.

„Yes you can. From know on you can.",he said.

„What do you mean dad?","Son you have proven yourself to be a loving husband. The only thing you missed was the time. Yes you made a mistake last week. But that mistake doesn't hold you back on your progress. You learned to love. As I heard you turned into a real lover.".

Dean and Dominic.

I have been talking to them about how I feel since I left Lana. They must've told my dad.

„Son. I am giving you the great responsibility of becoming CEO of our company. You are the new leader of our company. Now you can also be more flexible with work. Also I will take over the leading of the mafia for a month. You go and get your wife back.",he said and smiled.

„I have not always been a good dad. But I hope I am doing better",he said.

I stood up and hugged him.

„Thank you dad. Thank you".

„Now go run and go to your wife.","That's a lot more complicated dad. She think's I cheated on her.",I said.

„Don't worry. I got video cameras from the club. I'll send them to her. That is also the reason why I am not mad at you",he said and winked.

„Thank you dad. Really.",I said before taking my jacket and rushing home.

I am going to make this up to her. She is going to be the happiest women in this world. I will make sure of that.

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