Chapter 8

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~Delana's Pov~
I didn't sleep at all. My anxiety was killing me the whole night. I am so scared of what the future will bring to me. In the morning I started my part of the contract. My first point was that he wasn't going to divorce me until I got into medical school and that he had to pay for my degree.

I know that is a hard point but I will waste important months of my life for him, just that his reputation gets better so I its the least he can do. He is a billionaire's son anyway. Secondly I had ‚separated rooms', I was not gonna sleep in the same bed or room with him. Never. To avoid any physcical contact or feelings. Thirt was ‚respect privacy', he was not going to get involved in my privacy or freedom. I can go wherever and whenever I wan't to without his premission.

And lastly ‚Respect'. I want to be treated with respect by him as I deserve it. If he treats me not as I deserve I will leave. I don't care about his reputation. No sleeping and going out with other women while we are married. Nothing that could hurt my pride or disrespect me. I printed it out and closed the window in my computer. I put the contract in a file and put it under my pillow before going downstair. I ate some cereal before going into the livingroom.

Everybody was at work except my little cousin who was still 11. „Are you going to marry? Will you leave us?",he asked with his eyes wide open hoping that I will say no. „Yes love. I will but you can always call me or visit me whenever you want.",I said while opening my arms for him to hug me. He hugged me and restet his head on my shoulder. I will miss this.

I got a call by kaiden and I picked up as I went in my room. „Hello beautiful", I heard him say on the other line. „Hey", I said softly and heared him chuckle. „How did you sleep","Not at all. My thoughts started consuming me again.",I said and heard him sigh. „I would love to be by your side today. Let me know if you want to talk about it. I'll be there in a couple seconds",he said. Thats so thoughtful of him. But I got to meet mr.Ace today. That arrogant ass. „I will let you know. Thank you kaiden seriously.","No need to thank me. I'll do it because I want to. Know smile and try better this night. If you want to you can call me and I'll wait till you sleep in",he suggested and made me smile again.

„Okay. I gotta go now. We'll talk later","Yeah. Bye","Bye",I said and hung up. This boy was an angel. A real one. I don't deserve him. I decieded to study until I had to meet him so I sat down and did some biology until 2 pm. After I got ready picked out a pair of baggy mid waist das jeans and a black long sleeve crop top. I put my hair in a sleek mid bun and did my usual make up routine. I put on some jewerly and perfume before grabbing my over sized blazer and purse.

I took the contract that I almost forgot. I went to my little cousin jason to let him know that I am leaving to grab coffee with blaine. I heard the doorbell ring so I went downstairs to open it. Blaine was standing there his eyes roaming over my body whilst I opened the door. „Ready?",he just said. „Hello to you too and yes I am ready.",I said as I put on my black and white jordans. I closed the door and followed him to his car. This time I needed to open my own door. This guy has got some serious mood swings.

~Blaine's Pov~
When she opened the door I didn't realize how much I was staring at her. Damn this girl really is my type. She wore baggy pants with a crop top that revealed her light abs and flat stomach. She put on some jordans and put on her blazer before closing the door and following to my car. I tried my best to be distant and didn't even open her door.

But I needed her to hate me. During the car ride there was a tensious silence. Her smell stained my car. Whatever perfume she is using, its addicting. In the courner of my eye I saw a file on her lap. I guess she already wrote her part of the contract. Perfect because I did to. Soon my eyes catched the ring on her finger. She was my fucking fiance.

We arrived at the fancy cafe and sat down at a quiet place away from all the people. I took my contract out of the pocket of my suit and put it infront of her as she did the same. We said nothing but ordered our coffee's before looking into each others contracts. She only had 4 Points. 4 hardcore points. The first one was no probleme. I could easily pay for her degree. I just hope she gets into college as soon as possible.

She watched me as I scanned over the points. The second one was also written in my contract. Seperate rooms. Clearly she might have a hard time to controll herself around me. I smirked of the thought as I continued reading. Number 3 was respect privacy. I hope that go's both ways. Even though I wan't to be updatet about her and where she is.

The last one was respect. These points were pretty deep for a girl her age. They are usually young and naive but she is so much more mature and thoughtful of the little thing. I read ‚no other relationships,hookups or anything that would hurt my pride'. Hopefully this goes both ways.
„I accept everything but with only one condition. This goes both ways. You can't do anything neither that would hurt my pride. „Fine. Lets look into yours",she said and opened the file.

„Number 1: No physical touch or emotional and sexual attachement....perfectly fine with me",she said as she continued reading. „Number 2: Always needs to attend special events by my side and play a happy couple...I hate events",she said and looked me blankly into the face. „Okay then I-."I said and stood up. „No, no its fine",she said and raised her hand. I sat down again and she continued. „Number 3: Respect privacy. I had this point too...Number 4: Not doing anything that could put my familys reputation in danger...I wouldn't do that anyway....Number 5:Weelky dates to be seen by paparazzi's while holding hands and romantic dinner's...whatever",she said and rolled her eyes.

„Number 6: Not going into my personal office at home...okay....and lastly Number 7: Not telling anyone about our deal and divorcing me without any drama or finacial support. Latest till the enf of the year...perfect I agree",she said and put my contract on the table infront of us. „Good so sign it.",I said as I took my pen out of my suit jacket.

I signed the contracts first before handing the pen to her so she could. She signed it and handed the pen back to me. I gathered the papers and put them both into my file. „I'll do a copy of them to give it to you","Good",she said and took a sip of her coffee. „Do you have a boyfriend?", I asked her breaking the silence."No I don't. Do you have a girlfriend?","I don't believe in love or relationships",I said and took a sip of my coffee. „Why am I not suprised?",she asked. „You seem to have a personal probleme with me",I said as I chuckled. „No I don't. Just talking facts",she said while forcing a light smile on her full lips.

They looked perfect. Her long lashes and beautiful eyes burnt through me. I was gonna have a hard time with her I can feel it. We drank or coffee's in silence and then decided to go on a walk by the water.

We walked and walked none of us saying a word. „What happened to your parents",I asked. „They died half a year ago. Together with my brothers.",she said and looked to the ground. I turned my head to her to see if she was okay but couldn't tell cause she hid her face from me. „I am sorry. May they rest in peace","Thank you","If you need something or someone by your side or literally anything. Let me know.",I said and stopped walking.

She needs someone to protect her and care of her. As long as I am by her side I will. „Thank you but I don't need anyone's help. I just need one thing from you and that is that college degree.",she said while looking me blankly into my eyes. I didn't fail to make her hate me. I nodded.

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