Chapter 26

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„You are so fucking hot",he whispered as he lifted me up on top of him like I didn't weight anything.

I chuckled and kissed him deeply, cupping his cheeks in my hand.

„Give me that neck",he demanded as he massaged my ass.

I lowered my neck on his lips and he started kissing it and moving to my shoulders.

He grabbed my hips holding it in place as he pushed himself inside me.

I moaned out loud as his thick cock stretched my pussy out.

„You're so fucking tight tesoro",he groaned and flipped is over positioning himself between my legs.

He pushed himself inside me and while holding my hands to my sides kissing my neck.

He licked,bit and kissed my neck while the sound of our moans and bodys clapping onto each other filled the room.

„Just like that",I cried out as he started hitting the right spot.

„Just like that blaine yeah right there. Harder baby harder",I encouraged him as he leaned his forehead on my chest.

He picked up his paste thrusting into me faster and harder.

„I'm-.","Come with me baby. Come on",he demanded.

I felt my orgasm building inside me and released shortly after.

Blaine continued pounding inside me until his thrust became sloppy and he released too.

He fell onto the mattress next to me trying to catch his breath.

Light sweat covered our bodies. My cheeks red and hair messy while his body was covered with my scratches especially his back.

„Fuck baby I am sorry",I said as I turned to my side looking at his body.

„No. It's the most beautiful thing on my body now. Hopefully it will never heal",he said as he took me in his arms, embracing me.

He placed a kiss on my head then on my cheek and then on my lips before resting his head on top of mine.

„Our yet is ready tomorrow at 10 am.",he said. „Where are we going?","Wherever you want".

I smiled. Where do I want to go.

„I really want to go to bali, greece or italy. But it is only two weeks right?",I asked.

He chuckled.  „No. I am CEO know. I can work from everywhere. We can stay as long as you want".

I smiled before placing a kiss on his naked chest.

„I freaking love you lana. There is nothing I wouldn't to for you. You are my life. My everything.",he spoke.

„I love you too blaine. More than I could have ever imagined",I said before kissing him.

Hopefully this will last forever.

We cleaned up and took a shower together.

He applied some shampoo on his hand before massaging my head with it.

I placed a kiss on the tip of his nose causing him to chuckle.

He continued rubbing shampoo in my hair as I stroke his chest with my hands.

„Have you ever been shot?", I asked as I looked up to him.

He closed his eyes for a moment letting his hands fall down.

„No baby",he answered as he put on the warm water again to rinse off my hair.

„Please be careful Blaine. If you die. I'll lose everything",I said, tears filling my eyes.

„That will never happend. And even if I will make sure you will still live your best life.",he said.

„There is no life for me if it ain't with you. No money no wealth in this world can replace you Blaine".

His eyes bore into mine. „I won't leave you Lana. I promise. I will always be by your side",he said before pressing his lips on mine.

The water fell down on us as we kissed passionately.

I pulled away resting my forehead on his.

I could live this moment forever.

Next Morning

Our suitcases were packed and already in the car as I waited for blaine to finally get out of the house.

He came back with a little bag in his hand.

„Finally!",you scoff. „What is that?",I ask pointing to his hand.

„Your breakfast and snacks. You have to eat",he said as he handed me a waterbottle with his other hand.

I chuckled and sat down into the shuttle wich was taking us to the airport.

„Here eat",he said as he unwrapped the sandwich and hold it in front of my mouth.

„Babe I am not hungry.",I said laughing.

He looked at me waring. „Open that pretty mouth for me",he smirked.

I opened my mouth and took a bite of the sandwich.

„Oh my god. This tastes heavenly",I mumbled through a full mouth.

He chuckled before sticking the sandwich out again signing me to take another bite.

I took another one and struggled chewing it. He opened my water bottle to before handing it to me.

I took a sip and swallowed down the sandwich.

He fed me the whole sandwich before we arrived at the airport.

„I bought you a couple snacks. Chocolate, chips, gummy bears and popcorn. I don't know wich one you like most so I took all of them",he said while scratching the back of his head.

I laughed and threw my arms around him.

„I eat everything baby.",He laughed and I felt the vibration in his chest as I leaned against it.

We got to the jet and it took me a moment to get used to this luxury.

It was huge.

„Do you like it? Or is it too small?",blaine asked concerned.

„Too small? Baby this jet is as big as our living room",I said.

„I am glad that you like it",he said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

He kissed my neck before turning me around.

„The rules: No fights. No arguments. No disappearings: you are not going anywhere without telling me, just for your safety baby",he explained and I nodded strong.

„Yes sir",I answered and we both chuckled.

We sat down and I took out my study cards.

I still have to study. I am writing my entry exam in a month. That is very important for me.

Even though medical school isn't my firsh priority anymore.

After I studied we talked a for a bit before I slept in.

When I woke up again we were already in Bali.

I opened my eyes and felt two strong arms embracing me.

I looked up and saw blaine smiling at me.

„Good morning my love",he chuckled. „Good morning",I responded as I stretched when I sat up.

I looked out of the window and saw that we already landed.

„When did we land?",I asked confused.

„An hour ago",he answered.

„What?!","You were sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to wake you up",he said shrugging his shoulders.

I smiled at him with teared eyes and hugged him.

„That was really not necessary",I whispered in his ear.

„Anything for my girl-sorry wife",he whispered back.

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