Chapter 18

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When I woke up I instantly missed the warm body behind me. I turned around and saw the empty space on the bed. I sat up looking around the room but no one was there.

When I wanted to stand up I realized I was still naked so I went into my closet and directly changed into workout clothes before walking downstairs.

„Blaine?",I called but my voice just echoed in the huge hallways.

„Mrs. Ace. Hello I am joe your personal bodyguard". I looked at the literally 10 feet tall man infront of me who was build like a gym machine.

„Good morning joe. Its nice to meet you and please just call me lana",I said not trying to be too scared.

„Oh no. It's mr. Ace's command.",he said. „I don't care. I am lana",I said and shrugged my shoulders.

„And by the way where is blaine. I didn't see him leaving the house","He is at work. He usually goes to work at 6 am. From now on he has more responsibility's to take care of. Yesterday was a exception of course",he said politely.

„Hmm. I understand. Thank you joe",I said as I was about to walk into the kitchen. „No problem",he replied as I walked pass him and making my way to the kitchen.

„Good morning Cynthia",I called and she turned around to look at me while preparing someting.

„Good Morning dear. Your breakfast is almost ready",she said in a happy tone. „My breakfast? I could have prepared it myself.",I said as she shook her head.

„No miss. I am in charge for the food thats what I get paid for",she said and I chuckled.

„Let me guess oatmeal?","Yess ma'am",she said while smiling bright.

I love this women already. She has such a great aura.

She served my oatmeal with some orange juice on the side and I devoured it in seconds.

„Wow Cynthia. This was one of the best ones I have ever had",I said while putting my spoon down and leaning back on the kitchen stool.

„Thank you miss. I knew you would like it. I mean women with your body eat nothing else than this for breakfast",she said and chuckled.

„You're right",I admit and laughed as I stood up.

„I am in the gym in case you're looking for me",I said and walked into the basement to get a workout in.

Today I did cardio and glutes for 1.5 hours.

„Gosh I missed it",I said as I whiped of the sweat of my body with a towel.

There was a knock on the door and soon Cynthia entered the room.

„You have been getting missed calls. I just wanted to let you now",she said and in that exact moment my phone rang again.

I now realized that I haven't seen my phone since I came here.

„Thank you",I said as i picked up the phone and walked up the stairs in the huge garden.

„Hello?","Omg lana. Why aren't you picking up we all were so fucking worried about you!!",aiden yelled into the speaker as I mentally slapped my forehead.

„I am so sorry. I completely forgot. I haven't been on my phone since the wedding",I said and hoping he doesent ask me any questions about the night.

„Did you guys-?",he started but I cut him off. „No god. Aiden stop. No we didn't",I bursted out.

„Okay good. I was afraid. He'll force you or something","No he didn't. In fact he takes really good care of me". I said as a smile appeared on my face.

„That's good to hear.",he said back. „When can we see you again?",he asked.

„I don't know. Blaine doesn't want me to leave the house because of the paparazzi's so I guess you would need to come", I said as I sat down on a bench in the flower garden.

„Okay we can do that. What about tomorrow afternoon?",he asked.

„Sounds good but blaine isnt home at that time. He is still working",I said. „Doesn't matter. We want to see you. And we're taking amber with us","Perfect",I said before we hung up.

I walked in again and went to the fridge to get myself some water as I heard the doorbell ring.

Cynthia opened the door and laura and sienna came in. „Hellooo my love birds",she called and I came out of the kitchen opening my arms for sienna to run in.

„Hello my loves",I called as I hugged sienna tight. „Blaine is at work",I said before sienna could even ask. She rolled her eyes. „Ughh boys",she whined in annoyance.

Me and lana chuckled before I stood up and hugged her. „You have to get used to it. He has strict work discipline",she said looking at me with pity eyes.

„It's okay. I don't complain though",I said as I smiled. „Sienna go play in the garden. Me and auntie Lana are going to have a chat",laura said and sienna ran out into the garden.

„Aaaaand tell me everything",she said as she let her body fall onto the couch.

I said nothing and just smiled as her eyes grew wider. „Omg you fucked!",she bursted out.

„Girl shhh.",I said trying to calm her down.

„Yes god. Omg thank you lord. Finally my brother has found something other than plastic and laicy thongs",she said while praying to the ceiling.

„Tell me everything!!",she said as she sat down facing me.

I told her what happened and she literally had tears in her eyes.

„He can be so cute if he wants to",she said as I nodded. „He even told me I love you yesterday",I said as her eyes widened.

„Omg",she called. „After you fucked?",she asked in disbelief and I just nodded.

„What kind of sex are you offering him girl",she said and hit my arm and we both started laughing.

„Do you love him?",she asked.

I first stayed silent and then I shared my emotions with her.

„I don't know. I really am bound to him. I miss him when he is gone and wait for him no matter how long I have to. My head is like a broken record and repeats his name several times. I want to please him and show him how I appreciate him. I want him to love me and smile at me the way he always does. Like when his teeth show up and the light in his eyes spark. Just like at the wedding when he saw me walking down the aisle. When he is distant to me it feels like I get a knife stuck in my chest. My mood turns bad and I loose my smile. But when he is close to me. Loving to me. It changes my whole self. His aura and looks have such an impact on me physically and mentally.  I feel his eyes pierce through me when he looks at me. He is so gentle and careful with me and yet so passionate. I don't know. Is this love?",I asked her confused.

Her eyes teared up. „This is fucking love",she said as she hugged me.

„You love him and he loves you! There is more than just sex between you. Trust me. He loves you at least as much and I think he loves you even more. If it wouldn't be like this he wouldn't send you a single glare",she explained looking me into my eyes.

She was right. We were in love. Even though we just knew each other for two months.

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