Chapter 7

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~Blaine'es Pov~
I have to gather myself up. I catched myself being interested in her. She is fucking 18 man. This whole thing is just wrong. The doesen't even want to marry me. She agreed on the contract without hesitation. No women in this world would dump me. She is so focused on herself and family that she doesen't even care about it.

After the agreemend I stayed cold to her. At first I was nice and charming because her attractive looks hypnotized me. I needed to get the fuck away from her. After we marry I will make set rules. She has to stay away from or I'll change my plans from staying distant to her. Her soft voice and mature personality is impressive. She is more mature and intellegent than most women my age are. She is smart and beautiful. Maybe I don't deserve her. She would never be happy by my side. Fuck man. I looked on my hand seening the ring on it. I really am deep in this shit.

When I arrived home my whole family was all over me asking me speaking about her. „Son she is perfect. She is smart and respectful to everyone. A perfect elegant wife for you. A lot better than the other girls you brought home. She is also unbelievably beautiful and looks so mature for her age. She is going to go to medical school soon, did you know that?",my mom said while looking at me. „Yes I know mom. She is really great.",I said with a forced smile. „We talked about the wedding. It will be in 3 months. We wanted to leave her some time before she jumps into a marriage after high school so that she doesen't get to much emotional pressure",my dad said.

Wow. How thoughtful of him. „Thats a good idea.",I said. „I am gonna go out with her tomorrow again. She is a very nice person to talk to.",I said as my parents cheered around. „I am so happy for you son. Finally you took the right decision. She is also celebrating her 18th birthday next Tuesday.They invited us too. But it is going to be a surprise party so don't tell her.",my mom said and hugged me. I have never seen them this happy to be honest. I am going to divorce her anyway.

„Yeah mom. I am very exhausted so I am gonna go to sleep. Good night everyone.",I said and went into my bedroom. My parents where right. She is perfect. But too perfect. So perfect that she managed to hurt my ego. The only women I have met who doesen't jump on me and has self respect. She unbelievably woke my interests but it I can't let her have any hopes in me. I am not what she is looking for.

~Delana's Pov~
I went in my room changed into my pyjamas pefore putting off my make up. When I came back from the bathroom I saw aiden sitting on my bed waiting for me. I closed the door and sat down on my desk.

„How was it? What did you guys talk about? Did he touch you?","No aiden calm down, we just talked about our selfs and got to know each other. We are meeting tomorrow again.",I said while looking at him. „Do you like him?","He isn't too bad but his ego really pisses me off. He probably laid to many women and isn't impressed by my calmness.",I said while rolling my eyes. „I will get used to it. Don't worry",I said and gave him a hopeful smile. He stood up and hugged me.

„If he does anything that pisses you off. You know where to find me. I don't care who he is I will kill that motherfucker with my bare hands",he said and I started laughing. Not because it was funny more because I knew he was dead serious and would do that without any doubt. He left and I layed down on my bed looking at the ring on my finger.

Tears slowly ran down my cheek. If my parents would have been alive this would've never happened. My dad would never force me into anything. I miss them all so much. My moms wise words. My dads big huggs. My brothers stupid laughs and dump jokes. Sometimes I remember that I haven't heard they're voice in so long. That I start to forget it. I remember it again when I watch old videos of us. I wish I could meet them one last time. Tell them how much I love them and that I always will. My parents would never want me to get heartbroken over a boy or let him use me. So I won't. I don't care how many women are chasing him or are begging him to get laid by him, I won't be one of them. No matter how attractive he is. He isn't the only one in this world.


This chapter is pretty short I am sorry but I ran out of ideas.
Let me know what you think about the story. <3

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