Chapter 15 *TW*

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I went into the closet and saw my empty suitcases and already sorted clothes in the closet. Even new clothes that didn't belong to me where there.

A smile appeared on my face before I decieded to change.

Its been ten minutes since I tried to open this damn dress but I can't get it. I should ask blaine but honestly I am scared. Maybe he is already sleeping.

I tried to silently walk to his door to listen until a voice behind me scared the living shit out of me. When I turned around I saw blaine in just some sweatpants revealing his naked upperbody to me. My eyes traveled over his body not even realizing that I was staring for too long. „Do you need something",blaine asked with a amused face.

„Omg you scared me",I said as my cheeks turned red. He just chuckled while his eyes traveled to my dress. „Need help taking it off?",he asked and I slowly nodded. „Just open the ties in the back", I said as turned around so my back faced him.

His fingertips softly stroke over my bare skin sending chills all over my body.I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He was fucking close to me.

He slowly untied the dress causing it to fall down revealing me in my thin underwear. The cold air hit my skin until two warm hands grabbed my waist pulling it into a warm chest.

His arms embraced my waist while his lips trailed soft kisses on my shoulders to the crook of my neck. My legs startet shaking and lost its balance.

He grabbed me tighter as he started sucking my skin causing me to moan. „You are making it hart for me to stick to a contract",he whispered in a rough voice. „Then don't",i whispered.

He hesitated for a moment before turning me around and kissing me hard. His hands traveled down from my waist to my ass giving it a squeeze and lifting me up by my thighs.

Our lips fought against each other taking revenge for all the previous distance. He groaned as my nails digged into his back soon he took me to his room and put me on bed while hovering over me.

„Are you sure you wan't this",he asked as he pulled away. I just nodded. „Use your words baby","Yes. Yes I want it",I said and he pressed his lips again on mine.

His lips went down to my jawline and making his way to my breast. He placed soft kisses before unclipping my bra and throwing it anywhere in the room.

The roam was filled with my heavy breaths and moans as he continued to suck on my breast and playing with my nipples. I was a soaked mess. He definitely knows what he is doing. Or I am just a virgin.

When he went down to my stomach he looked up to me a last time. „Is this your first time?",he asked as he massaged my hips. I just nodded before remembering his previous words again. „Yes. Its my first time". He nodded as he slowly moved his hands to take off my underwear.

Every movement of him was slow and careful like if I was made of glas and he was scared to break me.
Now I layed there completely revealed to him. „Fuck. Your beautiful",he cursed while kissing my inner thighs and traveling his kisses up to my clit. A moan escaped me as I had my hands on the back of his head.

„I am gonna make you feel good baby.",he said before rubbing and sucking my clit. My breath got heavier and heavier as he finally sticked a finger inside me causing me to arch my back.

„Faster",I panted as he sucked and licked on my clit while pulsing his finger inside of me. „So wet for me baby. Right?",he said as he added another finger.

I felt like I was about to lift off the bed as he pulsed even faster. „Yes all for you",I panted again. „Did that kaiden kid make you feel this good? Did he touch you like this",he continued asking.

„No. He didn't", I answered. „Good girl",he said before attacking my wet pussy again. I rolled my hips against his fingers and felt an orgasm built up.

„I'm cuming",I panted as his fingers picked up its paste. „Cum baby. Cum for me baby",he hissed as he watched me while I reached my high. He sucked my juices from his fingers while not taking his eyes from mine.

I let my head fall back on the bed as he climbed up me kissing me again. His kisses were wild but soft in the same time. I flipped us over so I was on top of him and traveled my kisses down his body. I sucked on his neck as he groaned and gripped my ass pushing it down on his grown buldge. „Grind",he demanded and I started rolling my hips on his buldge wich grew against me.

His eyes closed shut as his hands gripped my hips tightly. I kissed down to his chest as my hands played with the hem of his sweatpants. I don't know where the courage came from but my hands traveled down under his underwear rubbing his dick. He moaned louder as his fingertips digg into my skin.

I gripped his underwear and sweatpants before taking it off for him. A smirk appeared on my face when I saw how hard he already was. I crawled towards it as I looked up to blaine who's eyes were filled with lust.

I kissed around it placing kisses on his balls and playing with them. He groaned as he gripped my hair. „Fuck. Your so hot",he hummed while I slowly took his tip in my mouth and my hands rubbed his cock.

The room was filled with his moans and groans as I took every inch of him in my mouth. „Fuck. I am cumming baby",he bursted not loosing his grip on my hair.

When he released his cum in my mouth I looked him in the eyes while he watched me swallow it.

I slowly crawled up to him as he watched my complete naked body over him. I placed my lips on his and bit his lip as he pushed hisself on top of me.

„I am gonna fuck you until you can't walk anymore",he hissed before taking a condom from his nightstand, positioning hisself on top of me. „Ready? Tell me if it hurts","I will. I am ready",I said as I wasn't being able to breathe.

He slowly pushed his cock inside of me. My back arched as I cried out of pain. „Sorry baby",he whispered in my neck waiting for me to control my breath as he slowly pushed himself inside me again.

The feeling of pleasure finally took over as I pulled him closer by his neck. „Faster",I demanded. He did as I said pulsing his dick inside me. „Fuck you are tight",he hissed as he grabbed my arms and holding it on each side of my head while attacking my neck and jaw with kisses.

Our moans filled the roam while he fucked me passionate. „Harder!","Harder what baby? Who am I","Harder Blaine!! Please",I cried out. „Louder","Please fuck me hard blaine",I screamed out.

He finally startet pulsing harder and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My nails diged into his back as our body's clapped onto each other. „Listen baby. Listen to the music our body's create",he said while sucking my neck.

His hips continued its paste hitting my g spot without missing it once. „I'm cuming","Cum",he hissed as he fastened his paste. My back arched and I cried out in pleasure as I reached my high.

He continued pulsing inside me until he reached his high.
He fell onto me as we both reached our climax and my juices released out of me.


Tried my best you guys. I hope you liked this chapter and if so please vote and comment!! It makes me so happy<333

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