Chapter 42 (Final chapter)

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Blaine and I kissed Zara goodbye before she left for school.

„Do you think boys at school try to flirt with her",Blaine asked worried as we watched her enter the car.

I chuckled. „Babe. They are 7. I don't even think they know what the term „flirting" means".

He looked at me concerned. „I am not sure.",he said.

I thew an arm over his shoulder.

„Soon our little warrior is entering the world. I am sure he will protect his older sister.",I said as I put his hand on my belly.

I am already pregnant since 7 months. This pregnancy is actually a little difficult.

I have to be in bed 90% of the time because there is a high chance that I'll lose the baby.

He smiled. „I can't wait for him to be here. You go and lay. I'll make you some tea.",he smiled before he put a kiss on my forehead.

I did as he said and laid down on the couch.

The last seven years have been stressfull.

The mafia is giving Blaine a lot of headaches. We constantly have to be secured.

Zara is going to a private school special for mafia kids. She is being protected 24/7 like the other kids.

The school is heavily guarded and every class has 5 students max.

Zara can't complain because she never lived a normal life. Sometimes I wish I could give her a normal life. But I can't.

Things have never changed between Blaine and me.

We both still love each other like before. If not even more.

There is no one I trust as much as I do trust Blaine.

I am not going to lie he has changed. A lot.

He is a lot more coldhearted and busy than before. But everytime he comes home from work he proves me how much he actually loves me.

Even though his work has changed him, he never changed towards me and Zara.

Blaine is a great father and husband. Actually the best.

People are concerned for us because of how much he changed. Everyone expects me to leave him.

But they don't know how he actually is. He has lost a lot but he works hard enough to gain it back.

The people can't imagine what we went through. I married him when I was just 18. I grew with him. He was a father, best friend, a big brother and husband to me.

I love this man endlessly. Until the day I die. The only thing that can make me leave him is death.


I smiled at the thought of making my pregnant wife tea.

Of course Cynthia could have made it but I insist.

I couldn't be there at her first pregnancy so I don't want to leave her now.

I am not leaving her side. I work mostly from home and if I do leave for the office I'll be home in 1 hour. Not longer.

She needs me and I don't want to miss out on anything.

These last 7 months have been one of the best after 7 years of constant hiding and stress.

Being with Lana and Zara is the best for me. My girls make me forget everything and anything.

Soon we have one new familymember.

I want to grow our family as fast as possible. I already told lana that I won't settle until we have our own football team.

She thinks its extreme but I think it is perfect.

This women has changed my life. I love her more than anything.

The doorbell threw me out of my thoughts.

„I'll get it",Lana shout from the hall.

She really can't lay for a minute straight.

I chuckled and threw the teabag in the trash.

I walked out but stopped when I heard a gunshot. And a second. And a third.

When I realized where it came from I let the mug fall to the ground and rushed to the door.

My hands were shaking my thoughts lost.

Who would have thought that Blain Ace could be scared. Lost.

My heart shattered when I realized what I saw.

The last 8 years flew infront of me.

The moment I met her for the first time. The first time we kissed. Our wedding. The first night. Zara's birth. Every memory flew infront of me.

Leaving me alone.

I fell on my knees and hugged her tight.

Threes shots on her body. On in her chest. One in the belly. And one between her eyes.

I lost her. I lost her. I lost her.

It was me. I was the reason why. I should have told her not to answer the door. To lay back down. But I didn't. It was me.

„Lana",I stutterd. „Lana please. Don't leave. We need you. Zara needs you. I need you. You know I can't breathe without you.",I stuttered.

I heard the security's voice dimmed. 

She didn't move. She was already pale.

She didn't talk. She just laid there in my arms.

I pulled her closer. Smelling her. Kissing her. Hoping she would open her eyes, telling me how much she loves me. That she is okay.

I didn't even realize that I was crying. My tears ran down my face non stop.

I didn't care. Everyone should see how much I love my wife. The only women I love. The one who changed my life.

„I am sorry. I should've protected you. I am sorry".

I couldn't accept what just happened to me.

I lost everything. Without her. I am not who I am.



I LOVE YOU ALL  <33333

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