Chapter 40

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~Delana's Pov~

Today I was alone again. Nobody visited me. I am alone as always.

I like it though. I want them to leave me alone. I'd rather die out of boredom than having them near me.

I spend the whole day thinking about Blaine. Is he okay? He might have been injured and that is the reason why it is taking him so long.

Or I am just impossible to find.

I wish he was here right now. That he could feel how the baby kicks and how my belly grows.

I hope Joey showed him the footage of my pregnancy.

That is the least he earns.

My stomach was growling again as I was laying in bed and trying to fall asleep.

I practically am always hungry. The food they give me is far from enough and I am scared that something is going to happen to my child.

Tears ran down my face as I massaged my belly and spoke to my little girl.

„I know baby. I know. We will be finde. Please hold on",I whispered.

Where are you Blaine? What is taking you so long?

He won mafia war but he isn't capable of finding me?

My patients is shrinking from day to day. I can't wait for him any longer.

2 months later

I am 38 weeks right now. Only 2 weeks are left until I give birth.

My belly grew even more but my whole body is aching.

They have been giving me proper food since a month. I attacked a guard and then they finally agreed on giving me real meals.

I have gained weight but I don't complain. At least my daughter is healthy. That's all that matters.

I was eating a bowl of pasta as the heavy metal door got unlocked and loud lock sounds echoed through my room.

„Hello sweetheart",uncle Juan came in and set a bag with snacks on my bed.

This was the first time he visited me in 3 months.

„How is our little beast doing?",he asked and sat down on the edge of the bed. 

„When are you letting me go back home?",I asked annoyed.

„Never. This is your new home. Or of course you marry Ivan. I think that would be the best for the child too.",he said.

I hate that I consider doing that. Not for myself. I'll do it for the baby. This cold basement room isn't healthy for her.

She can't live here forever. And Blaine doesn't seem to find us.

A small piece in me still believes that he is going to find me. That he is going to show up and take us back home. Where we belong.

But another small piece inside me believes that he won't find us.

I try my best to stay positive but it is hard.

The baby inside me is going to be here any day and my husband is still nowhere to be seen.

I wonder what he is doing. Is he even looking for us?

Just that moment we heard a loud explosion above us. It sounded like it came from the roof.

Juan turned around to the metal door and ran out after closing my door.

I ran to the door trying to open it again but it was locked. I sighed and leaned against the door and slipped it down.

I heard mean shouting in the hallway and gunshots.

Instantly I got under the bed trying to protect myself and the child.

My whole body was shivering.

Then it was silent and the metal door got unlocked.

I peeked my head out and saw a too familiar face.


I screamed out of joy and got up from under the bed running in his arms.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly as he I pulled him even closer to me by his neck.

„Omg. Omg. I got you. I got you baby",he shuttered.

He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me hard.

I repeated as his hands traveled down to my belly.

Tears fell down my face as we both kissed and I melted after I saw tears on his cheeks.

He was crying.

He stroke my belly and pulled away, placing his forehead on mine.

„I am becoming a dad",he whispered exited as he took a deep breath in.

The sound of gunshots and people fighting broke our moment and Blaine took my hand pulling me out of there.

„Come on we have to leave",he yell as he walked me through the hallways, leading me with a gun in his hands.

I tried my best to follow him and exhaled in relief when we ran past the dead bodies and arrived on the door.

He opened the door and I walked up the stairs only to realize we were in the middle of the ocean.

Yes. In the middle of the ocean.

Juan build a small house in the ocean where he kept me. I was basically under water the whole time.  

Blaine took me to the helicopter but I couldn't follow him as I felt liquid running down my thighs.

No please not. Not now.

I stopped and looked down on the water on the floor.

Blaine's gaze followed mine and his eyes widened when he looked back to me.

„Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Come on lets get you in the helicopter",he yell and picked me up bridal style as he ran to the helicopter.

His guards where all over the platform watching us while collecting things on the floor and putting it into boxes.

Wait. Are they collecting the hands and heads from the dead people?

We got into the helicopter and we flew right away.

Blaine was sitting next to me as he hold my hand and stroke my head nervously.

My contractions just started and I leaned back and tried my best to control my breath.

„Breathe baby. Breathe for me. Breathe with me",he said as he leaded me through my breaths.

„I missed you",I cried out as I pulled him into a hug.

My arms tightened around his neck and his arms embraced my body.

He kissed my neck as his head was in the crook of my neck.

„I am here and I will never leave again. I promise forever",his voice was dark and raspy.

We cuddled our way to the hospital and when we arrived I directly got into labor.

After 6 hours of pain and contractions we finally welcomed our angel to the world.

Zara Lia Ace.


Don't forget to vote and comment and thanks to everyone who is supporting me!!

Love you all<333

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