Chapter 34

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I spend the whole night crying. I didn't sleep. How could I?

The thought of something happenings to Blaine killed me.

Why didn't I stop him? I could have find a way.

Joey was knocking on the door for the 6th time this morning.

„Delana please let me in.",he pleaded.

I sighed and hopped out of bed. I opened the door for him and ran back to bed, covering myself under the covers.

„You have to get ready to leave. Mr. Ace is waiting for you.","Who is Mr. Ace?","Blaines Uncle. We will take you to their house.",he explained.

I wiped away my tears a took a deep breath in and exhaled out.

Joey looked at me pity and sat down next to me, stroking my back.

„He will be home soon. Don't worry. Nobody can beat him. You know him better then me.",he whispered.

He was right. But the thought that he will be gone for weeks, months or years are killing me.

However joey got me out of bed and I got ready to leave. He took my suitcases and we got into the car. I took one of Blaines shirts with me.

His addicting scent was still on it and I couldn't stop smelling it.

It felt like he was here. With me.

The drive took 3 hours. Joey was sitting next to me in the backseat and two guards in the frontseat.

Behind us a car full with guard and in front of us a car full with guards.

The amount of safety was scary.

We arrived in a small village on top of a mountain with a perfect view of the ocean beneath us.

We stopped in front of huge gates wich were packed with guards.

The guards checked the cars and then opened the gates so we could get in.

We drove into the huge driveway and stopped in front of a massive mansion. Almost as big as ours in the states.

„This will be your home for a while.",joey said and the driver parked the car.

We got out and joey took my suitcases as I slowly walked up the stairs to the door.

The door opened before I was able to approach it and a lady in maid's uniform opened it. Her hair was in a sleek bun and her face sharp. She didn't smile. She had a hard facial expression almost annoyed.

„Delana Celine?",she asked.

Nobody calls me like that but whatever I guess

I nodded. „Yes that is me",I said. You could definitely hear in my voice that I was crying for hours.

I also cried in the car until I fell asleep after a while.

„My name is Catherina but you can call me Cat. Comr with me. Mr. and Mrs. Ace are waiting.",she said and let me into the house.

My breath was taken as I walked in. I looked around and was surrounded by gold and white decorations, walls and furniture.

I tried to follow her as my eyes roamed over the walls.

She lead me into the livingroom were a man and a women were sitting.

„Delana. Hello. I am Matteo and this is my wife Martina.",the man said as both stood up.

I forced myself to smile and shook his hand.

„Nice to meet you. Thank you for having me here.",I said and also shook his wife hand.

Her face was neutral. She didn't show any emotion.

„Matilda will show you your room. Please feel like home. We will have dinner in half an hour. Go to your room and settle in. We'll see you at dinner.",he explained and smiled.

He seems to be pretty nice. I nodded and followed the maid...Matilda? To „my" room.

Joey followed us with my suitcases as we walked up the glass stairs.

We arrived infront of a small room. Only a bet and a closet along with a small bathroom. Enough for me.

The room was small but cute. Decorated with plants and white furniture. I liked it.

„If you need something let me know. Dinner is at 7pm. I will come and take you.",she said and then disappeared leaving me and joey alone in the room.

Joey closed the door. „I already hate this bitch",he said and I started laughing. He literally made me laugh.

„God joey",I said. „What? Don't you see the way she talks to you? Like she is a robot that doesn't have any manners",he laughed after seeing my smile.

„Will I ever be able to contact Blaine?",I asked as joey put my suitcases into the closet.

„Yes. But only when he calls me. That will happen very rarely so please don't wait for it. But when he calls me I will come to you.",he said.

I nodded and sat down on the bed. „At least you are with me",I smiled. Joey and I were pretty good friends.  He is really good to me.

„If you like to we can have a small ladies night tonight. Like you had with your best friend back home",he smiled.

I started laughing as I heard his excitement over the girls night.

„Of course. But that requires ladies",I said as I pointed to his gorilla looking body.

„No body shaming here. I can be just as ladylike like you",he said.

We both laughed and I honestly am so thankful for joey. He is perfect as a personal guard. His little mexican accent makes him even funnier.

I got ready for dinner and Matilda came in.

„Are you ready?".she asked and I nodded.

I changed from my leggins into mom jeans and a black longsleeve top. I did my hair and put on some sneakers. I don't fit in here at all.

They are all dressed so elegantly. I want to go back to my baggy jeans and cargos.

I looked into the mirror and noticed that I have lost weight over the days. I look like a toothpick.

I always struggled with my body image. And i don't want to go back there but it isn't as easy.

I waved of the thought and nodded.

„Yes I am ready",I said and followed Matilda down the stairs to the dining area.

When I entered the room everybodys eye landed on me.

Not only Matteo and Martina also two guys wich were maybe a bit older then Blaine and a young blonde women.

„Hello Delana. Sit with us",Matteo said as he pointed to the seat next to the women.

I took a seat and I already felt my cheeks heat up. I can feel everybody's gaze on me. And I hate it.

My gaze was on the table, not wanting to look up because I knew that the guys were looking at me.

I want to go home. Now. And with home I mean Blaine. No one else then him.


The next chapter will be in Blaine's pov.🤐🥺

Thank you all so much for your support❤️❤️Your comments mean so much to me!!

Love you alll🤍🤍🤍

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