Chapter 31

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Blaine and I were in the toilette of the private jet and in the process of getting rid of our clothes.

I threw away my hoodie and blaine took of my sweatpants before he pushed me on the wall, standing tall over me.

„I never had sex on a flight.",he smirked. „Don't be the reason for a plane crash",I laughed before he unclipped my bra and attacked my breast with kisses and massaging them.

I moaned out as he continued sucking on my skin and pressing his erection on my already pulsing pussy, but tried to be quiet since the others could hear us.

„Be loud baby. Let them know who you belong to.",he said in a raspy voice before traveling his kisses from my breasts to my neck.

He brushed them off me and then got rid of his pants and boxers.

He took out a condom out of the pocket of his pants, ripping them open with his teeth.

He put on his condom before placing me on the sink and attacking my neck with kisses.

He licked and sucked on my skin, making me sink my nails in to his shoulders.

He gripped onto my thighs, pulling me towards his pulsing cock.

I threw one arm around his shoulder while placing my other hand on his neck to pull his lips on mine.

The kiss was slow and lustful, representing our feelings.

He thrusted inside me and both of us moaned out. Our breaths got heavier as his thrust found his pace.

His arm was wrapped around my waist and the other hand was gripping my hips to hold me in place.

Our bodys were pressed onto each other, making us feel more than close to each other.

I loved feeling him inside me. Explosions happened in my body as he thrusted inside me while his mouth couldn't let go of me.

„You taste and feel amazing. All mine",he growled.

I threw my head back to allow him better access to my neck.

„Fuck blaine. Just like that. Don't stop",I panted as he found the spot, hitting it over and over again with each thrust.

His thrust became harder and faster, making my legs shake. His thrusts seemed to get more agressive.

„You are mine. Only mine.",he hissed through gritted teeth as he let go of my neck and placed his forehead on mine.

I felt my lower body getting numb every time he thrusted in. It hurt.

„Blaine... That hurts",I whined but he didn't stop. I felt my orgasm built up and we reached our high in the same time.

He pressed his lips on mine and I repeated the kiss, forgetting about what just happened.

We got dressed again and went back to our seats while the spot he hit still hurt making me weak in my lower body.

I watched Blaine texting on his phone and looking stressed. Something is off but I don't know what. What he just did in there was more than strange.

He is usually so gentle with me. We didn't even talk another word after what happened in the toilette.

His gaze met mine as I was still watching him. My lower body was still aching. I wasn't used to his aggressiveness.

He sighed before he pulled me into his arms.

„I am sorry. I don't know what happened to me in there. I promise it won't happen again.",he whispered into my ear as he stroke my hair.

His warm breath send chills all over my body.

I nodded as I snuggled more in to his chest. Blaine is the only person I have in life.

I lost my family and I can't rely on what I have left. Except from Blaine.

He takes care of me and loves me. Even though I feel like he is keeping secrets from me but still I trust him more than anything in life.

If I lose him. I lose everything. I'll lose my happiness and joy in life. That can't happen again. I don't think I could handle that much pain again.

~Blaine's Pov~

I am a idiot for what I did. My anger and anxiety to lose her drove me insane.

I wanted to ask her if it hurt but I was ashamed. I was scared that her answer would be yes. I couldn't forgive myself for something like that.

I love her way too much.

I have to protect her at all costs. I won't lose her. I can't.

I watched her relax into my arms and snuggle into my chest as I stroke her back softly.

Soon we will be in Italy and she will find out more about me then she knew before.

She'll meet my family and the streets I spend my holidays at. All the memories. I want to share them with her.

My grandparents died a couple years ago and we will stay in they're mansion. My uncle's and aunt might visit is.

No actually they will visit us for sure. They couldn't make it to the wedding since all of them are also working in the mafia but they're dying to meet Lana. My wife.

I will need to call my dad as soon as I am there. Lana's information about her family is very helpful. Especially her mystery uncle Juan. He might be from the spanish mafia.

I feel like I have to tell her about everything but my dad said that I shouldn't. We first need enough evidence to back that up.

I feel bad for lying to her. I hate it. I know that she knows that I am hiding something but I love how she just trusts me.

With these thoughts I actually fell asleep and finally got some rest, as Lana was in my arms, falling asleep too.

Walker, one of my guards woke me up, leaning down to my ear.

„We are landing in 1 hour. How do you want us to prepare?",he asked.

„I will first call mr. Vasquez. We will receive support from them.",I said and took out my phone calling mr. Vasquez.

Of course he didn't deny and send some of his guards to the airport, so they can already secure the place.

My dad is also going to send me support and I think that should be enough.

I don't know when the Russians are going to find us, but when they do we will be prepared. I will spend my next weeks in training. My fighting is good actually perfect.

I have been a fighter since I am a child but I still think I could use some training.

Everything for Lana.

Soon there will be a war between our mafia if they really want Lana. Because I won't give her up. Never.

I know I will get my hands dirty but I won't hesitate when it comes to my wife and her safety.


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