Prologue: "In the words of Elsa, 'Let it go.'"

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The raindrops fell hard on the window during the midnight sky as though diamonds were found in a coal mine. The leaves of the trees outside shook and even in the warmest depths of their houses, people in Paris could feel a hailstorm was soon going to greet their city.

But in one house, the case was different.

Two girls both around the age of seventeen, stomped around and about in a lavender coloured bedroom. The TV had a now old yet an infamous kiddish song playing on it while the blondies danced in tiaras and wands.

"Don't let them in

Don't let them see,"

Lola's grown-up voice echoed in Charlotte's room, her eyes were closed and she seemed lost in the song.

"Conceal don't feel

Don't let them know,"

Both the girls stood facing each other, each having a TV's remote pretending them to be mics in their hands. They were dawned in Elsa's tiara with her gloves and Anna's pink cape and red wig, the former worn by Lola and the latter by Charlotte.

"Let it go

Let it go,

Can't hold it back anymore!"

They both sang the main lyrics together, in chorus meanwhile the actual song played on the television behind their backs.

Suddenly, footsteps filled with anger and a lot of impatience sounded outside the room just before the door to Char's room flew open and there stood Alexander in nothing but sweats with his hair slightly disheveled and flushed cheeks.

But unfortunately, the volume of the song and their own singing blocked the sound of him entering the room and Lola and Charlotte continued their Frozen karaoke.

"Let it go

Turn away and slam the door,"

Oh, the irony of the lyric and the situation couldn't be any more punctual.

The volume of the song died down abruptly and both the girls whirled around to see Alex glaring at them, trying to be intimidating.

Lola snorted and rolled her ocean blue eyes at him, "You are looking like a burning tomato with that facial expression, Mr. Trump."

Charlotte's shoulders shook with silent laughter but same couldn't have been said about Alex.

He gritted his teeth, "What kind of seventeen-year-old obsesses over Frozen, huh? Besides, me and my girlfriend were extremely busy only to be interrupted by your stupid karaoke at midnight."

Charlotte said with a fake smile, "What kind of connard fucks his oh-so-charming girlfriend a room across his sisters huh? And in case it wasn't cleared; mom, dad, auntie Noodle and uncle Julian said in very clear language that they're going for a road-trip and we are in charge of the house."

Lola clicked her tongue, "In case you're even dumber than I thought and it isn't cleared still, it means that we can do whatever we want to for two whole days."

He knew that she was riling him up. Knew how to get under his nerves so easily. And he hated it. He hated her.

"God you two are so annoying," Alex muttered under his breath before making his way outside to leave the room.

"In the words of Elsa, 'Let it go.'" Lola winked.

An idea came into his mind and he suddenly stalked towards Lola, his six-feet frame easily looming over her five-eight one's.

A slow smirk formed on Alex's face and his cold blue eyes met hers, "Oh, say 'hi' to Chase by the way. Heard what he did but oh well, it wasn't surprising now was it?"

He yanked Lola's blonde hair before he finally left.

She tried not to show how her heart dropped in her chest, how her hands trembled and twisted away from the closed door towards her best friend and soulmate.

Even he had heard the stupid rumours.

"Hey, you'll talk to him tomorrow and besides, these are just rumours. We're not sure if they're true or not. Don't overthink what that asshole said right now."

Lola hugged Charlotte with all the strength she could muster and hoped what her friend said would be true.


It began from where it ended ;) 

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