Chapter 12: "Given how dumb you are, one can never know."

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"Here's your so-called contract." I sat beside Alexander Graham Bell on the bench and handed him the contract he asked for which I had handwritten myself.

He silently pocketed his phone before sighing loudly and took the contract from my hands as though he'd be anywhere on this planet but here with me. I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

News flash, it wasn't like I wanted to hang out with him either but here we were. Sometimes we're not granted what we wish for by the universe.

Out of the corner of my eye, I discreetly tried to look at his outfit and damn, the guy looked good in anything he wore. Not that I'd tell him that ever. He was wearing a plain loose white t-shirt with baggy blue jeans and white sneakers. His dark blonde hair was in its usual sideswept style and a few rings adorned his slender fingers and holy fucking hell was that an ear piercing he had in one ear? Why hadn't I noticed it-

"This is fine but why the hell did you write all this?" He frowned down at me.

I snapped out of daze suddenly and crossed my arms across my chest protectively, un-crossed them instantly when his eyes dipped lower and noticed the cleavage the action displayed, "Typing on word would have wasted the battery as well as electricity for charging the laptop and the printer and you're not really that much of a VIP, so I wrote it. Plus, you never really specified which type of contract. Oh, and by the way, my eyes are up here."

I winked at him at the end and his jaw clenched hard enough to the point where I could hear his teeth gritting. Although, faintly, extremely faintly, his cheeks reddened a bit and he shot up from the bench abruptly.

"Let's discuss it while roaming around a bit."

I merely nodded and took my place by his side and we both started walking on an almost matching pace despite his tall frame on the dirt path of the park. Though we had a respectable amount of distance between us, I could still smell the faint cologne he had worn.

Not allowing myself to think about his appearance one more fucking time, I spoke, "First rule, we have to -scratch that- we need to act a bit affectionally in public as much as I loath it." He scowled at me as if saying Feeling's mutual.

"And for the kissing part, consent has to be asked every damn time. For example, if they-who-shall-not-be-named see us then either I or you will move towards each other, whisper 'May I?' before and then act according to the other person's request."

"I do understand the meaning of consent lizard."

I looked around us for the first time, noticing the small children playing and as I had expected, many people from our school were either taking a stroll or making tik-toks. Perfect.

I didn't look at him but could feel his piercing green-blue eyes on me when I replied, "Given how dumb you are, one can never know."

"Okay, first of all, this guy you call Alexander Graham Bell is good as fuck in science so that makes you dumb. Second of all-"

I drained out from rest of his rant and saw little food stalls lined up on different pathways. Not to mention people had already started to notice us walking together. Bingo.

I interrupted him and spoke in a heavy tone, "Jeez, calm yo tits mate. This gen ain't gonna last in this world with that sensitive attitude."

That just annoyed him more and I smiled cheekily at him before pointing towards one of the stalls, "And right now I'm craving some candy so let's discuss the rest over that."

I didn't wait for his reply and simply walked away towards a stall which had an Olaf candy stick displayed. Two seconds later a shadow loomed over me and I knew he had followed.

But my excitedness took over me and I took out my mobile and instantly dialed Anna, "Charlotte there's this stall at this park and they have the cutest Olaf candy here!"

She squealed from the other end, "Bitch buy one for me too!"

At that I exhaled a breath, "They only have one. Don't worry I'll save you half though."

"Oh my God, I love you. See you later!"

After bidding our goodbyes, I turned to buy the candy but saw that it had completely vanished from where it stood previously and the guy was replacing another candy there.

Confused, I turned around but froze when Alexander Graham Bell pocketed some change, the contract tucked between his armpit and gave me the Olaf candy, his own hand holding the cars one for himself.

"The amount of time you wasted calling my twin, I decided to be the gentleman my mom taught me to be and bought it. You're welcome."

He unwrapped his candy and started to stroll again. Still baffled, I hastily unwrapped mine and joined him.

Just before I could take a bite, he said, "Before we discuss the rest, I want to add my own one rule."

I raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked down at me, "Which I might add will be extremely difficult for you to follow."

"Second rule, we need to be at least civil towards each other if we're going to do this."

Candy forgotten, I instantly groaned. For once he was actually right about me, I definitely won't be able to follow that rule.


sorry for the late update im stressed out a lot x 

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