Chapter 15: "You've two seconds to rethink your life choices."

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I dreaded going to the cafeteria when lunch arrived but Charlotte told me 'Fuck other's opinions' and dragged my ass there to face those shitheads.

I only bought coffee unlike Char who got burger, fries and soda. Lucky. I vomited the candy I ate last night before I went to bed out of guilt because I knew it'd increase my weight and that was not something I could afford if I wanted to sharpen my face.

The constant chatter greeted us as soon as we entered the sitting area and I saw Alexander Graham Bell getting up from where he sat with his friends and making his way towards me with his own tray of food in his hands.

Charlotte winked at me and went to sit where we usually did.

Alexander Graham Bell threw his arm around my shoulders once he reached by my side and pecked me on the cheek, "Hey, babe."

He was smiling down at me; his face was lightened and the shadowy expression which he had in his eyes since the incident was vanished for the time being. If I didn't know better, I'd say whatever he was doing, it was absolutely real.

The asshole deserved an Oscar.

"Hi," I returned the smile and my arm looped around his back. Together, we walked towards Charlotte who was trying very hard not to laugh maniacally. All around us the chatter died down and one by one, as though rehearsed, gasps left people's mouths.

The chatter began soon once we settled across Char and she chuckled, "If this is how it's going to be everyday then I'm considering recording this from tomorrow."

I laughed with her and Alex said before taking a bite from his fries, "I'm glad that you're finding my misery funny, sis."

She flipped him the bird, "I didn't realise I was talking to you, dickhead."

I didn't think I had ever seen them being at least civil towards each other. I guessed that was just how sibling's dynamic worked because even though they insulted each other yet they borrowed each other's stuff and deep down I knew they'd do anything to save the other person from any harm.

And I adored this bond between them.

We ate- or more like they ate and I drank- in silence for a few minutes before Alex opened his mouth once again, "Please don't tell me you're not eating anything because you're one of those girls who's on an only salad and liquid diet."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Okay first of all, salads are healthy. At least healthier than the junk you're eating right now." I motioned at his plate.

He scowled at me but I continued without a care, "And second of all, I ate a lot in breakfast today so I'm feeling like an overfed animal."

Gosh Lola, you're such a little liar.

His eyes narrowed at me but hey, we were being civil towards each other. Me being civil towards him. Just as he asked.

Goddamn someone should put this in the world records.

I hastily grabbed my mobile and handed it to Charlotte who looked at me confused but nonetheless took it.

I said to her before I leaned a bit towards Alexander Graham Bell and did a thumbs-up with toothy smile, "Click a picture."

She did but was still frowning when I was handed back my phone, "That was weird. Care to explain that?"

I looked at the picture and snorted. My expression was what I did but Alex's was just a what the fuck's going on face.

"Yeah, I'd like to know too," Alex said.

I put my mobile on the table and interlaced my fingers together, "We were being civil for the first time in our lives. It was a picture worthy moment. Maybe I'd posted it with the caption 'Who knew we can be civil' if we weren't pretending to date. But I also would have cropped him out so that just contradicts the caption."

Char burst out laughing and her twin looked at me with a bored expression, muttering under his breath, "Seriously?"

But the conversations once again died down and I looked up to see what was the matter only to be greeted by none other than my fake boyfriend's ex cheater girlfriend.

Beside me, Alexander Graham Bell tensed a little once he saw her. I would too if I was in his position.

I cheekily smiled up at Daphne even though all I wanted to do was pop her gorgeous hazel eyes out of their sockets and sell them at a respectable price, "Hi."

I tried to be discreet when I interlaced my fingers with Alex below the table but unfortunately Daphne noticed the little movement and just smirked a bit at him, as though taunting with the expression about the power she still held over him.

I hated that bitch.

Charlotte didn't bother to be polite when she snapped at the naturally tanned girl, "You've two seconds to rethink your life choices and move away from here."

But Daphne merely smiled at her before her eyes moved back to us again and said, "Just checking in to confirm whether the rumours were true."

I smiled at her sweetly and motioned to the cafeteria's doors, "Now that you know, there's the door."

She eyed Alex one last time and said before leaving, "Never thought you'd be the one to move on so fast."

His hands shook in anger and he looked at his front, avoiding her gaze. I squeezed our adjoined hands once and he squeezed back.

She winked at us before she left at last, "Toodles."

Alexander Graham Bell was up not even a second later after she left and was out of the cafeteria.

I didn't go after him.


i had the BEST hazelnut pastry rn 🍰

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