Chapter 33: "You're cute when I have you all flabbergasted."

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"Has it been uploaded yet?" I asked with a nervous tremor in my voice. 

"Just another second," Harry mumbled. 

"Ugh, why is it taking eons?" I sighed. My feet tapped anxiously over the floor from where I sat on the couch beside Harry, scooping out some more red velvet ice cream hoping the brain freezes would be enough to stop my brain from overthinking at least for a moment.

Charlotte being Charlotte, insisted this was a day for celebration and had gone with Alex to steal some vodka and beer from their house where Aunt Hannah hid them for good measure knowing how much of delinquents her spawns with Uncle Blake were. 

But unsurprisingly, those spawns were two steps ahead of their mother. 

Trying desperately to shift my train of thoughts, I thought hard about what to well, think. It suddenly struck to me that Harry had been thinking about throwing a Halloween party and so I questioned, "Are you actually gonna throw the Halloween party you said during the sleepover?"

Harry's fingers stopped abruptly over the keyboard. 

He murmured with a frown, "Maybe. I'm thinking to do so but I kinda need someone to you know- suggest me few ideas and listen to mine."

"Oh," I dragged out the word as he resumed uploading Paranoid on Youtube and Spotify. 

I played with a loose thread of cushion imagining mom's reaction if she saw what I was doing to her patterned pillows when suddenly another thought struck to me- 

It had been weeks since mom and dad had family Sundays with me. 

In fact, they were so engrossed in their recent project about some perfume commercial that they had totally forgotten about their only child and daughter. Whom, which by the way, they've been leaving till late beyond midnights for most of the days now. 

It was like a complete one-eighty degree from the healthy family life I had. 

I tried to brush off how much it stung. 

They are just doing their job Lola. Stop being an ungrateful whiny teen. 

I cleared my throat, surprised to find it ached my jaw to do so and even more surprised when water rimmed in my eyes. 

This was somehow worse than my anxiety. 

But somewhere between the emotional turmoil bubbling in me and the feeling of puking my guts out, I got an idea. 

"So...about the halloween-partner-in-crime thing," I looked carefully at Harry's side profile. 

He didn't respond but I knew his ears were perked up so I continued, "Given these days Alexie and I are mostly busy in writing songs and band shit, maybe you can talk about the party and its stuff with...Char?"

And before I knew it, I was full on babbling to him, "I mean- I know you two aren't huge fans of each other but there's no harm in trying to bond right? Plus-"

Harry chuckled over my rushed sentences, "Lols, calm down."

I scowled, "First of all, that nickname is absolutely horrendous. Secondly, just ask her once."

He hummed, "But what if she refuses?"

"You never know until you take the risk," I chirped. 

He hummed once again, "Mhm, so maybe try to use your own advice on whatever you and Alexander have going on." 

The girl was too stunned to speak, my mind supplied humorously to me as I was left speechless into silence at his sarcastic side eye as his fingers once again resumed typing. 

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