Chapter 19: "A therapist side of Lola."

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"Favourite candy?"

"Mars. You?"

Alexander Graham Bell lay his head against the tree trunk and thought for a moment before replying, "M&Ms."

I was once again lying on the grass of the ground on the front side of our school. We both had free period but Charlotte had chemistry so I decided to join the Devil and we decided to spend the free time here.

I was trying to make a crown of jasmines with the help of stems and leaves that our school had planted when I looked up at him and asked, "Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?"

His green blue eyes met mine and I wiggled my eyebrows at him before continuing working on my crown.

He painfully sighed, "I honestly don't know."

I frowned and crossed a stem over the other, "That's okay. You still have time to decide."

"You are not judging me for not answering of being a doctor?" At his extreme baffled tone, I sat upright and gave him a questioning look.

"Why would I judge you for that?"

He scoffed, "Because my dad is."

I laughed humourlessly, "So? You're not your dad."

Alexander Graham Bell looked at me with disbelieving eyes, "B-but that's what everyone does! Everyone expects me to follow my dad's footsteps and become a doctor or a surgeon. And if I tell them that's not my plan, they'd start looking at me with a different perspective."

This wasn't making any sense for me, "Does it include aunt Hannah and uncle Blake too?"

He rubbed his eyes and said exasperatedly, "God no, absolutely not. They have fully said they'd support me and Charlotte in whatever career we'll opt. It's just those nosy relatives, cousins, even my friends and hell my ex-girlfriend too who just assumed about what I'd do in the future and judged me after. That's literally the reason why I focus more on science out of all the subjects to meet their expectations."

Another cross and the crown would have been done soon but I stopped abruptly at his outburst and we both looked at each other with equal surprise. His face showing regret too for letting his emotions play and making him vulnerable in front of me.

But I continued after a moment with the crown and said almost casually, "Alexander Graham Bell, you shouldn't allow others to affect you so much. It's your life in the end not theirs and the only opinion that should matter is yours only. Fuck their opinions and let them assume whatever they want to because honestly? After a while you'd get tired and it will feel more like a burden to meet other's expectations in order to make yourself satisfied."

The crown was done till the point I finished my oh-so-great speech, "People come and go in life so stick for them who'll stick for you."

His eyes shone in absolute fascination and amusement as though no one had ever told him those words, "And where do you see yourself in the next ten years wise-old-sage?"

I shrugged, "I don't know as well but what I do know is that I'll figure it out at some point as long as I'm with the right people."

I winked at him and put the crown on his head.

The leaves of the tree did little to stop the sunshine from falling on us and half of his face and hair shone. The irises of his aqua-blue eyes darkening and dilating, the sun making them more beautiful. His blonde hair made the white jasmines even more appealing while the green of the leaves matched with his eyes.

Overall, he looked absolutely ethereal.

A hint of smile appeared on his face making his jawline even more prominent, "I never knew I'd get to see a therapist side of Lola."

I took out my phone and clicked a picture of him because I just had to with that crown and daylight and his equally pretty features, "And what other sides do you think I have?"

He snorted just as the bell rang and picked up his bag with the crown still on his head, "Oh, the usual bitchy, annoying one who thinks she's the funniest out of all and-"

I gaped at him, tugging on my own bag and he smirked at me, his arm draping over my shoulder for the show when people started to come outside.

"Asshole," I elbowed him in the ribs although there was a hint of smile on my own face too.


my babies are slowly getting comfy 🙈🥺 

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