Chapter 5: "Spank that bottom!"

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I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the soreness, "As much as I absolutely love B-99, my eyes are going to bleed out if I watch even one more episode. Or if I cry again or sulk around."

"But that Holt and Terry dance always gets me," My best friend's shoulders shook with silent laughter.

We had coffee facemasks on our face and had applied nail-paint on each other's nails with our hair in messy buns. A bowl which had been filled with popcorn previously was sitting between us on the bed and I felt content with the snugness of our situation.

I suddenly held Char's hand and tried to make her sit upright, "Come on, let's do the dance."

She snorted, "What?"

"Come on," I whined and gave her a pleading look.

She gave me a quizzical look but obliged me and I played the episode of Amy giving birth before changing the time stamp to just a few seconds before the dance.

I quickly recounted the steps we had to do, "Mosey-forward, name in the lights, butt pop."

Char continued, "Comb your hair, now typing motion, pull it back."

We both then spoke simultaneously, "Jump forward, pelvic jump!"

The scene came up on the TV and we got into our positions where we stood in front of the bedpost, "Hit it Jeffords!"

We did all the steps in full speed and ran it together in respect with the music playing on the television with proper facial expressions.

I laughed in between, "Spank that bottom, spank that bottom Ayy!"

Clapping thundered unexpectedly from across the room and we both got startled, whirling around at the speed of light to see who witnessed us embarrassing ourselves.

"Wow, I never thought that getting my headphones back from my sister would be the best decision I'd have ever made."

Alex's eyes twinkled with amusement and slowly a blush coated my cheeks out of embarrassment and I had never ever been more grateful for a facemask. Char started cussing him out about how he should've knocked and made her way towards her nightstand for his headphones before returning them to him.

During which he never once broke eye contact with me.

And maybe it was me being delusional or was the devastation I saw on his face in the cafeteria somehow seemed a bit lightened?

After Charlotte practically threw Alexander Graham Bell out of the room on his booty, I could still hear him muttering under his breath mocking us, "Spank that bottom, spank that bottom!"

She rolled her eyes exasperatedly and only when the door closed to the bedroom, did I say to her, "Can this planet swallow me up?"



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