Chapter 30: "Propose me out of pity."

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"You walk slower than a snail, come on!"

Without thinking, I took Alexander Graham Bell's hand and dragged him inside not caring when he almost tripped and barely got to close the door to my house.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're eager for a totally different reason, Lizard."

I rolled my eyes but kept my pace quick until we reached my room and I twisted, finally facing him once my back was against the bookshelf.

I smiled at him mischievously my breathing turning a bit ragged. He watched me in confusion when he saw what looked like my hand reaching for a book but in reality, it was going behind the book pressing against the knob I had came to love.

"Surprise," I murmured and twisted the knob, the middle shelf instantly opening like a door towards the other side. His mouth fell open in shock at the small closet like room which was actually a closet previously until I wanted a whole wall of bookshelves there.

"Qu'est-ce que le réel..."

What the actual...

He trailed off when he entered and saw two more models of different guitars hanging on the wall. There was a long white couch and a small drawer beside it. The small room was hardly broad enough to have three people in it but the length of it made it easier to feel less suffocating.

"Jesus Christ...your house is a literal dream of every person." Alexie still looked at me with utter shock when I lay on the couch, chuckling.

"This is where I write my music," I smiled proudly, spreading my arms. I felt the need for him to get noticed of this room and secret of mine because now that we where in a band, it felt important to me to tell him about this.

I couldn't say that there wasn't slight hesitation when I had made this decision but as he said to me, everything has a risk. So, I took it and trusted that he would not do break it.

"May I?" Alexander Graham Bell nodded towards the small drawer. There was that tug of hesitation again inside me but despite of that, I nodded.

He took out the stack of lyrics kept in it along with the blank sheets. I wouldn't say that I was the best lyricist out there because a lot of those were cringe and cheesy, but I loved those songs none the less. He carefully picked up the most recent one I wrote, almost three weeks ago. He removed my legs, sat on the couch and again put them back on his lap.

As he kept reading, mouthing the verses I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about them. Was he laughing mentally at a girl who wrote breakup songs? Or was he finding it cringe just the way I did? Or maybe-

"Jesus Christ, Lola this is beyond good. Especially for a newbie like you." He looked at me with absolute wonderment and amazement in his eyes.

The sudden appreciation and attention made me blush but he continued to go through them, passing me the pages as he completed. I could still hear the chords I had decided to play along with the last song's lyrics which were learnt to me by heart.

I've always wanted a love like my parents

Making out in the kitchen

Something out of fiction

And when I found you

I thought you were the one for me

But I never thought you'd turn out to be

The villain of my story

And now I'm sitting here

Tempted to call you

But my gut making me refrain

So, thank-you for

Making me feel toyed, devoid, absolutely destroyed

After playing me like that, I hope you enjoyed

I'm falling in a never-ending void

Thank-you, for making me paranoid.

I never got to finish the song and I knew that just reading it would make you feel like an idiot but if I had played the guitar while singing it, I swore to God that I could've officially made this song my best piece yet.

We kept going like that for almost thirty minutes when he finally stood up, cracking his fingers then proceeding to kneel in front of me. I frowned at him, my mouth as usual saying things on its own accord, "Don't tell me my songs made you so emotional that you're going to propose me out of pity."

He looked at me with a bored expression, "Is that what you dream of at night?"

"You'd be the last person to come in my dreams."

"As if I'm interested in your dreams," he faked a smile and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Alexie shook his head, "Anyway, I think I've figured out how to do this."

I narrowed my eyes at his teeny tiny smirk, "And how is that?"

"We are going to co-write songs. Then we're going to decide the tune, chords and flow of the song. And the last step will be to decide who'll get to be the guitarist and the vocalist."

I nodded in thought because it made sense, "Yeah, all that is fine but real question is, who'll listen to us?"

I wondered briefly whether I looked like the way he was looking at me at that exact moment when I had been explaining my revenge plan to him, "YouTube will."

I pondered over everything he said from the co-writing to YouTube for a few minutes before nodding in finality, a slow grin creeping on my own face, "We'll make a channel and post there." But my excitement dimmed slightly for a second, "What doesn't work out though?"

He sighed, "Then we'll keep trying until it works out."

This time my grin matched with his equally.

Beware world, here came Félicité.


ik those lyrics were cringe but im no song writer so bear me pls? 🥺👉👈

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