Chapter 32: "Paranoid."

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"Finally! Holy shit- I can't believe you're finally done after three weeks of sleepless nights."

I handed over the cam recorder to Charlotte, smiling slightly at her giddiness but mostly feeling nervous over our song which we were finally done with. The guys would be arriving any second and not wanting to waste any more time, I put on the strap of my guitar on myself, strumming basic tunes to keep my anxiousness at bay.

A loud ding came a few minutes later and Char went up to get it. As the sounds of their talking and greeting got clearer, the pool of knots just became tighter in my stomach.

"Bonjour, rockstar."

Hello, rockstar.

Harry mussed up my hair in greeting, calling me by that goddamned nickname once more he had kept since the band had started. I glared at him in annoyance, "Mr. Not Invited, what are you doing here?"

He sat beside Char on the couch smiling at me dreamily with his face cupped in his hands, "And they say romance is dead."

Char rolled her eyes just when Alexander Graham Bell's cologne hit me. Not even a second later, he was sitting beside me on the stool. His own guitar hung around his neck, passing me a smile as he became comfortable.

I returned the expression though with slight timidness, the bed incident still reeling at the back of my mind. Suddenly, my cheeks went hot and I inhaled sharply, breaking our eye contact.

Trying not to look back at Alexander Graham Bell, I made myself listen to the mindless banter going between Charlotte and Harry while searching for the lyric sheets on the messy coffee table in the living room.

Even though the lyrics were practically printed on our minds, we had decided to have them in front of us just in case.

After handing over a printout of the song to Alexie, my breath hitching slightly when our fingers brushed and eyes met, we were finally ready to record our first ever song.

Félicité was finally ready to record its first ever song.

"Now shut your parrot mouth for once and enjoy the performance," Char cut Harry off mid-sentence, ignoring his glares at her.

Alex snorted and our eyes met once again before we looked away hurriedly, our cheeks coated in pink. Adorable motherfuckers, Harry mouthed to us discreetly.

Why the fuck was this happening?

Charlotte mouthed the numbers 3-2-1 before finally clicking on the record button and I smiled nervously along with my bandmate towards the camera. Nervousness spread in my belly, the knots getting tighter and tighter with each passing minute due to anxiousness.

But despite of all that, I continued to smile and said just as we had rehearsed a trillion times, "Salut, les gars! Bienvenue sur notre chaîne, nous sommes Félicité et ce sera notre toute première chanson."

Hey guys! Welcome to our channel, we're Félicité and this is going to be our first ever song.

"My name's Alexander; Alex for short and she's my bandmate Lola," Alex pointed at me before turning back to the camera where Harry pointed a thumbs up in appreciation from behind the recorder.

Steeling myself and accepting that it was really happening, I took a deep breath and started to introduce myself as we had rehearsed back-to-back. Once done with the brief intro along with some backstory about us, I took in a deep breath for a second time that day.

Preparing myself, I slowly began to set the keys of my guitar for the intro strumming of the song. Soon enough, I opened my mouth to sing the lyrics.

"I've always wanted a love like my parents

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