Chapter 9: "My plan, my rules."

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I tore off a piece of tape I found on one of the dusty shelves in the janitor's closet. Honestly, I was surprised that the bald guy hadn't returned yet for any cleaning crap or something. Although, it gave me more time so good for me.

The asshole whom I asked for a favour to be my fake boyfriend and was tied to the rope was still wheezing as though dependant on it for his life.

His laugh turned muffled once I put the enormous brown tape on his mouth and I smirked mentally. That's what you get for being a dick.

His eyes held unrelenting rage promising death if I decided to let him go.

Keyword, if.

I gave him a fake smile in return, "That made you shut up finally."

I dragged a small stool from the corner of the closet before patting it to remove the dust and sat, crossing my leg on another.

He whined from behind the tape but I ignored him and continued, "Look, I'll come straight to the point now. Chase cheated on me with your supposedly ex who I assume cheated on you with him."

I tried to not feel guilty at his wince on their names.

I swallowed and continued, "I want you to fake date me to hurt you-know-who just the way he did to me. I have seen him giving me yearning glances since the incident and even tried to have a conversation with me before Anna almost killed him. Not to mention, it'd hurt his ego really bad as soon as he learns that I moved with an upgrade this time within two weeks of breaking up with him."

"Bbbbbrr wwhah dhh eee geh fohmmm diss..."

I raised from the stool and decided to show mercy on him by removing the tape from his mouth.

"What do I get from this?" Were his first words.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Despite being Alexander Graham Bell, how are you so dumb? You also get to inflict a sort of revenge on your ex by getting into a relationship with someone like me after dumping her."

Lying is a sin, Lola. What about #hateme time every morning? And the fact you haven't eaten anything properly in past two weeks huh? Oh and-

Not the time, conscience.

I huffed at the way he was looking at me as though contemplating what all I just spoke, "Come on, just admit it I'm smarter than you, dumbass and say yes."

I turned impatient at the deafening silence, "Well?"


I raised a hand, "Great, we can meet up and discuss the rules- wait what did you say?"

I scowled at him and he sighed exasperatedly, "I said no, because your plan is stupid as fuck. And I don't want to spend a single second more with a lizard let alone date her. Even for a show."

I hated how I let his words affect me and spoke in an equally sour tone, "Well, do you think I want spend with a Prince Hans out of all the people in the world? Don't be under the impression that the world revolves around you Mr. Good-for-nothing."

His stupidly hot face remained emotionless and he said, "Great then. Now open me."

I walked closer towards him and he raised an eyebrow at me, "Oh, no. You're staying like this for the rest of the day until someone finds you."

His eyes widened once I stood close enough to kiss him and placed the tape on his mouth for a second time. He talked in a muffled voice but I interrupted him, "That's for being an asshole. Though I shouldn't say I'm not surprised."

His stifled voice sounded a lot like 'That's the height of hypocrisy!' and I smiled sweetly him, "My plan, my rules."

I blew him a kiss before I sauntered over to the door and left ignoring his calls behind me altogether.


Lola is on another level yall bow down to her 🛐🛐🛐

also sorry for disappearing yesterday lol 

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