Chapter 1: "Alexander Graham Bell."

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"Lola, I swear these are just rumours. I didn't even go to that party. I told you I was at home because some guests were at my place. You need to believe me."

I avoided looking at Chase's face and made my gaze wander around the hallway of our school. His back was against his locker and he tried to lace our fingers together but I fiddled with the strap of my bag instead.

I bit my lip and finally looked at him, "I just- I don't know all this seems so...fishy."

Chase raked a hand across his face before he looked at me dead in the eyes, "Do you not trust me?"

"I mean I don't think it's easy to say yes right now because this happened two weeks ago too. You told me the same words but now again? It isn't adding up Chase."

The bell rang and the hallway was about to be vacant in the next few minutes. Chase picked up his bag from the ground and kissed my forehead, "We'll talk about this later. After school."

I nodded absentmindedly but doubt still lingered in my mind.


"How did it go?" My best friends whispered the words to me once the class started.

I noted down the notes and murmured, "Shitty. Repeat show of the last time except that I didn't ask for the ticket."

Charlotte huffed a laugh but pretended it to be a cough after.

"Does your parents know?" She asked me after a few minutes.

I shook my head once, "Not yet."

She couldn't reply because the devil incarnation took it on himself to interrupt us not so subtly, "Can you two shut up? Not everyone likes to cheat Lola, some really do want to study."

I turned my head and smiled sweetly at Alex, "Yeah well, you won't want to once you discover your girlfriend in a cheating scandal."

He leaned forward a bit, "Maybe I'm not the problem here."

Something irked in me and I hated how easily he could get under my nerves. I tried to act nonchalant as though what he said wasn't what I had been thinking over for a while now. As though I hadn't been self-doubting myself since the first incident.

I faced forward again and muttered under my breath, "Asshole."

Alex clicked his tongue behind me, "Heard that."

I flipped him the bird without turning back, "You were supposed to in case it wasn't clear, Alexander Graham Bell."

I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears and smirked at the mental image. He was really good in science and I mean very, very good and his name was Alexander so I decided why not get under his skin some more? Hence the nickname.

The rest of the period went smoothly without any disruption.

Once the period got over, everyone scrambled off from the class in a hurry and Char and I joined them. But as I stepped a foot outside the classroom, a loud ping went off somewhere.

Followed by another.

And another.

And another.



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