Chapter 18: "Good luck with your date."

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Silence greeted me for a while before he said, "I think it's too soon for that."

I nodded absentmindedly, my brain creating a mental image of his lips on mine and I gagged before saying, "Yeah, you're probably right."

I walked towards my bed and sat on the edge of the bed, thinking. He looked at me the whole time, his eyebrows reaching nearly his hairline by the end and said, "Oh God, you've that devilish look again. Something terrible is the solution for this which is going to make my life even more miserable."

I sighed when realization finally dawned on me, "I think the key to remove this painful awkwardness between us while pretending is that we need to get comfortable with each other. And for that we need to get to know each other which means maybe develop a friendship too."

He looked as though nearly a second away from crying out loud in frustration and ran a hand over his face while I fiddled with my fingers and said in a much softer voice, "Hey, I'm not that bad."

He laughed bitterly, "You're forgetting your saying that to someone who hates you."

My eyes closed on their own accord and I shook my head, "There's no other option Alex. You can always back off from the deal and the contract can be declared null and void if you're feeling uncomfortable. But other than that, there's no other solution."

After a few minutes he checked his mobile and if the sun almost setting outside the window could be any indication, mom and dad would be returning in an hour or two.

He rubbed his temples and said in a firm tone, "Okay, we can know each other better while we're pretending. I think that should be sufficient."

I nodded and he said again, "I'll see you tomorrow."

In a few seconds, he was down the stairs and out.


"You guys are again twinning today." Charlotte said beside me.

Alexander Graham Bell looked at my outfit before looking at his, "And it was once more not planned."

I snorted and they settled on their seats of the bus. We both were wearing brown that day. I had a dark brown hoodie and light brown pants with white shows meanwhile he was wearing the same dark brown high neck sweater and cream-coloured pants.

"Good luck with your date." Char winked at us and plugged her earbuds in her ears. I had filled her on what had happened the night before and to say she was amused would be an understatement. She had swooned at me with heart eyes and said, "Oh my God! My best friend and my brother are living one of my Wattpad fantasises."

I had scowled at her in response.

"Let's play twenty questions," Alexander Graham Bell said.


He looked outside of the window before asking the first question, "Favourite colour?"

"Red. Yours?"


I thought for a moment and asked, "Favourite artist?"

"Harry Styles. You?"

I gazed at the autumn weather of Paris outside and sang, "Your Midas touch on the chevy door, November flush and your flannel cure."

He looked at me curiously and continued, "This dorm was once a madhouse, I made a joke well it's made for me now. Taylor Swift."

I winked at him, "The one and only."

But before he could ask another question Charlotte squealed, "Your voices sound so melodic together."

He asked his twin outraged, "You were listening us the whole time? Then why pretend to listen songs?"

Char rolled her eyes, "I just didn't want to third wheel but also wanted to know how you're handling whatever this is."

I didn't confess that I already knew she was eavesdropping because she was my soulmate but instead her words rang in my mind the rest of the ride to school.


i watched jurassic world dominion yesterday and the action scenes were LIT but the plot was ~meh~ 

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