Chapter 4: "Charlotte's savage day."

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"Your dad tried to do what?"

I sighed, looking up at Charlotte's pure shocked face, "He legit picked up a baseball bat from the garage and then almost drove over to his place to beat his ass up. Thank the fuck mom stopped him before doing anything stupid. But she didn't stop there either and continued to curse him along with dad while comforting me."

She whistled, "Damn, Sir Julian got really mad."

I nodded absentmindedly staring at my yet another untouched meal of the day; a sandwich and a cup of coffee. The school cafeteria was filled with indistinct chattering but even though the noise surrounded me, I felt as if I was sitting there all alone. Not physically but mentally.

Is this how my life was going to be? Chase left me. Although I said that we were done, I was the one who ended things between us but he was the one who first ran away from me to her. Would everyone else in my life also betray me? Would Charlotte somehow start hating me just the way I do and then leave me? Would my parents leave me?

Of course, they would you dumbo.

Chase left me because he surely must have seen something in me and decided that it wasn't worth it. Similarly, rest of the world would also leave me too and I'd always be alone. I most definitely deserve it-


People can't be trusted because they will hurt you in the end. I couldn't understand one thing though; what thing about me repulsed him the most? If I knew, I'd try to change it, make myself better in regards of it.

Why can't I ever be enough?

"Lola listen to me!"

"Huh?" My eyes met Char's and I momentarily realized that they were blurry. I was on the brink of crying and air couldn't reach my lungs properly, making it hard for me to breath.

Oh god, I was going to have a panic attack in the middle of the school cafeteria.

Charlotte was instantly by my side and took my hand, "Lola babe, please calm down or else it'll worsen. Just don't think about anything and take deep breaths. We'll get out of here and the you can cry as much as you want, okay? Just don't overthink too much."

I was up in a second before she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and picked up both our bags. I was looking down the entire time meanwhile Char whispered soothing things to me as we made our way. Just as I was about to leave, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Alex watching us intently with a frown marred on his face from where he was sitting alone in the corner.

I hadn't talked to him since that unfortunate day. I remembered Char mentioning me something about how he and his now ex fought the day the video was out and wondered maybe his situation was as similar as mine.

But despite the pinch of pity and sympathy I felt for him as well as me, I didn't dare turn around and asked him how was he holding up.


"Ton fils de pute peut sucer un sac de bites et pourrir en enfer!"

You son of a bitch can suck a bag of dicks and rot in hell!

Charlotte mustered up the harshest yet most serious glare she could not bothering to remember that she was sending a voice message to he-who-shall-not-be-named and continued, "I swear to the fucking God, whenever I'll see you next if you don't run away from me for the sake of your life, no one will know what happened to you. And don't forget to sleep with both your eyes open tonight. Oh, and one more thing: fuck you!"

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.

"My, my, Char. I didn't know you had it in you. Have I told you how much I love you?"

After going to the girl's washroom after lunch, Charlotte fortunately succeeded in calming me down but remained alert for the rest of our classes in case another panic attack happened. As soon as school got over, we returned to her place and she was successful again into feeding me some snacks.

Or more like lectured me before threatening me.

She rolled her eyes though a smile graced upon her face as well, "No one gets away after hurting my soulmate and I love you too bitch. Now, we are going to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine with tubs of ice cream and try not to think about that asshole at all."

I fake sobbed, "You're a goddess. How are you for real?"

She glared at me playfully, "I've been known that for a long time now. You're the one who is late to the party."

I hollered, "Damn, today is Charlotte's savage day."

That got me a pillow on my face before we both burst out laughing on her bed.


Charlotte i love you. 

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