Chapter 13: "Is this making you...flustered?"

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"Second rule," I licked my candy, "we are not allowed to get into any other relationship secretly. Neither can we hook-up or do casual with someone."

He swallowed a bite of his almost finished candy, "That's sort of cheating and you should know better that I out of all the people won't do that to anyone. I know how it feels like."

I supressed an eyeroll, "I know that dumbass. Hell, I experienced it too. But you can't stop a girl from protecting herself from more emotional damage. And putting aside the mutual hate we have, it's good for you too you know. Kind of an assurance."

"Whatever." He said under his breath and this time I in fact eyerolled.

We neared a bench and I sat once more because I got tired from walking around. The sun was about to set and the lamp like lights in the park switched on. At this time the park was crowded the most with high school and college students.

To everyone we both might be looking like a cute couple eating candy on the bench and talking but in reality, we were just two depressed high schoolers with enough emotional damage to last a lifetime. And who also hated each other but the universe put them together.

"The third rule," I said after a long awkward silence between us, "Is that this deal between us will last for five months only. That means we'll have to breakup in February because I don't think this can be dragged for so long. And five months should be sufficient for the revenge."

He simply nodded instead of arguing back the way he usually does and I was grateful.

"And the last rule," there was hesitation in my tone which made him look at me directly. My heartbeat slowly sped up and I tried not to fidget with my hands. Why had this become so difficult for me suddenly? And why was my face heating up minute by minute?

I swallowed and looked away, "Lastly, if- I said if- someone by any zero point zero one chance falls for each other, again I said 'if' earlier, then we have to tell each other. No hiding or avoiding or ignoring. But I don't think it's likely to happen because you know, we hate each other. So, you can consider this as just a precaution again and-"

He cut me off, "Lola you're rambling."

"Wow, thanks for such important information. I didn't know that at all."

His eyes squinted down at my face or more like at my cheeks before he smirked devilishly, "Is this making you...flustered?"

I scoffed, "You wish."

"Then why is face getting redder and redder?"

"Maybe I'm having a fever."

"Shouldn't you be staying at home in that case?"

I crossed a leg on another and reversed uno on him, "You're walking on thin ice there, Alexander Graham Bell. Don't go all soft on me now or I might get the expression that you actually care about me."

He laughed humourlessly, "Care about you? I can hardly care about myself these days."

He was finished with his candy at last and I looked down at mine only to realize I accidentally ate up all because my focus was on talking. Shit, shit, shit.

Charlotte was going to kill me. Tomorrow would be the last day of my life, oh my God.

Or I could always lie to her?

"Here," Alex's voice brought me back on earth from my thoughts to see him giving me a pen and the contract with his signature on it now.

With slight reluctance, I took them from his hands my eyes taking in the messy ink that was my handwriting on the paper.

This would make things official. Holy fuck, I was actually doing this.

Yep, I was definitely insane.

With trembling fingers and overthinking brain, I signed my name opposite his on the last of the paper. After handing him back the pen and telling him I'd get a copy for him the next day, I thought maybe my heart regretted the deal a bit.

Just a bit.

The rest of it was feeling nervous and excited.

I just want to sleep to get rid of my thoughts.


they make me simp for them. Just a bit. 

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