Chapter 10: "A good comedy show."

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"How did it go?" Charlotte fell in step beside me, full with giddiness and excitement but when she saw the dejected and sullen expression on my face, she frowned and asked, "That bad?"

We reached my locker and I exchanged the books for my last period of the day which was thankfully with Charlotte.

My lips remained in a pout and I stayed silent until I slammed the locker shut and faced her again, "Don't even ask about it, Anna."

We made our way through the cluster of people in the hallway towards her locker and she side-eyed me while exchanging her own books, "Goddamn what the fuck did he do?"

We fell in step side-by-side once more and walked towards the classroom, "Well for starters, I threatened him in the hallway, he got scared then I tied him with rope and he got some more scared and fucking squeaked 'Please don't kill me'.

She stopped mid-way just when the first bell rang and I supressed a smile at her shocked reaction. I took her hand and dragged her with me to the class. When we finally got seated, she still had that look and this time I let out a laugh.

"After that I glared at him, dragged his stupid ass inside the janitor's closet and he got the wrong idea," I rolled my eyes at that, "Then we bickered and insulted each other, he laughed when I asked him for a favour and laughed some more when I asked him to be my fake boyfriend."

Anna puffed her cheeks so as to not let a laugh out and whispered to me as the teacher entered and greeted everyone, "This alone could be such a good comedy show."

I snorted while the teacher started writing on the board, "It gets funnier. I taped him after he didn't stop laughing like a psycho and then took a bossy stance and told him the plan. Then I removed the tape because he was asking what would he get from all this and I insulted him a bit more and said he'd also get a sort of revenge on his ex."

"Le silence!" The teacher called out and we instantly pretended that we were writing notes all that time.

Once the teacher turned around again, I continued talking in a low voice, "He thought for sometime about the plan meanwhile I insulted him some more because you know, it's my favourite hobby.

After that he said no, he won't help because my plan was stupid and he doesn't want to spend time with a lizard. I again insulted him and then taped his mouth for a second time and left. Not to mention, he was still tied with the rope."

Charlotte couldn't help it, she burst out laughing loudly.

Two seconds later, the teacher shouted and pointed towards the door, "Dehors tout de suite!"

Out right now!

Char was still trying not to laugh when she picked up her bag, murmured 'Désolé' to the teacher and left. Not even a second later, I followed her because it was my fault partly.

And I couldn't leave her like that.

We silently walked towards the bleachers before we both burst out laughing. The football ground was empty and we went and lay down in the middle, the trimmed soft grass pressing against our skin and the sun shining brightly above us. The last remnants of our laughs vanished with the light breeze and we both gazed up at the blue sky filled with clear white clouds, looking like cotton candies.

Somehow my crappy mood had also gone by the end of the day.


The next day Anna and I were chatting nonsense in the cafeteria while she ate her food and I tried to eat mine when a shadow fell above us.

A really tall shadow.

I looked up at Alexander Graham Bell panting like a golden retriever. What? The resemblance was uncanny.

I didn't say anything because Charlotte asked him coolly, all the hype and excitement gone from her face, "What do you want now?"

But he didn't look at her. Instead, his hard gaze was settled on me and it made squirm a bit before he said, "Yes. Yes, I will be your fake boyfriend."


i want a lola in my life 

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