Chapter 3: "Lola-bear what's wrong?"

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Did my stomach look bloated? Oh my God, was I getting fat? Was that why he cheated on me? Or was it the soft face instead of sharp cheekbones? Or maybe it was the blonde hair? Was my face ugly? Did I apply too much makeup? Or what if-

"Lola! Come downstairs for breakfast or else you'll be late for school!"

Mom's voice broke my trail of thought which I had officially named as 'Its time to #hateme'. It had been two days since I found out about the scandal and I think it was safe to say that #hateme time had been taking place every morning in front of my mirror since that fateful day.

After trying to perfect my eyeliner for one last time, I scrutinised my gaze at what I was wearing; a simple black camisole and a white shirt-flannel on top of it with baggy blue jeans.

It was September after all, the fall merely started and somehow, I still felt as though my outfit wasn't enough. That I wasn't enough. But one look at the clock told me I was in fact going to be late if I didn't better hurry and picked up my bag before rushing downstairs.

"Bonjour maman et papa!"

Good morning mom and dad!

There in kitchen stood my parents who I was pretty sure were making out just a minute before I entered here. Ladies and gentleman welcome, Lilly & Julian.

My mom, a cancer survivor and one of the rarest and most beautiful soul on our planet, was the one person whom I loved the best. Of course, I loved my dad too and not to mention the fact that people called me his carbon copy with my almost same sense of humour as him, but mothers always have a special place.

Although Dads do too but that's different.

I fingered my Olaf key-chain on my bag before twisting its head towards them, "Olaf look momma and dadda were doing gushy-mushy stuff again."

They stared blankly at me and I won't even bother to say I was surprised because it had become a tradition at this point in our family. And before I knew, we all started laughing.

"My baby's all grown up," mom pressed a kiss to my cheek then asked dad to bring the pancakes on the table.

The love of my life, pancakes. After Olaf of course.

But just as I lifted my fork to take a bite, #hateme time flashed before my eyes followed by the video of Chase kissing Daphne. Daphne who had the figure of a Goddess with sharp jawline, cheekbones and a curvy waist with her natural tanned skin.

No wonder why guys wouldn't fall for her and leave me.

Mom must have noticed my hysterical face because she took my hand and asked, "Are you okay Lola?"

At her concerned voice dad looked up from his own breakfast and frowned at my untouched plate, "Lola-bear what's wrong?"

And before I could think properly my mouth blurted out, "Chase cheated on me."


double update you're welcome <3 

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