Chapter 16: "Aww you care about my marks."

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The football field was empty as usual like it was after lunch except for the hunched figure sitting in the middle of the field, his back facing me. His body tensed when he heard my footsteps and even more when I dropped my bag and lay down beside him, gazing up at the cloudy sky.

Alexander Graham Bell said in a hoarse voice, "What are you doing here? Don't you have English?"

I waved a hand in his direction, "This confirm my suspicions of you stalking me."

"You're not really Harry Styles that I'd stalk you."

I opened my mouth to say something snarky again but instead what came out of my mouth was, "You hurt my feelings, Alexie."

He snorted, "And what about the times you've hurt my feelings?"

The corners of my lips twitched, "Touché."

I said after a few minutes of silence, "To answer your question, It won't really be much believable if I didn't go after my supposed 'troubled boyfriend'. Charlotte's words, not mine. But she had a point so here I am. And anyway, the lesson going on in English right now is boring as fuck so I don't mind bunking it."

He shook his head once still not looking at me, "Tell that to your mom when you'll give your Bac."

I cooed, "Aww you care about my marks. I'm delighted."

He sighed and finally looked at me. Pure devastation and trouble shone in his green-blue eyes. For the first time I noticed the circles under his eyes and how hollow he looked. Something wasn't right because this wasn't the person who had that energy to argue with me endlessly like he used to before.

He seemed defeated.

"God, you're even more annoying today."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm always like this, Alexander Graham Bell. You're just spending more time with me."

He scoffed lightly, "Alexie, Alexander Graham many nicknames do you have for me lizard?"

I squinted my eyes at those pretty clouds and pretended to think before I answered, "Just those two. Oh, and every other curse word in the dictionary."

He decided to lay down too beside me and said, "You really are a bitch."

I smiled dreamily up at the sky, "And they say romance is dead."

We silently gazed up for a few more minutes when I saw a cloud and thought maybe it looked like someone I knew, "That kind of looks like Mrs. Diego from science class."

I pointed up at the cloud and Alex tried to control his laugh.

"Oh, come on it literally looks like her. The round face and those two thorny things protruding above could be the sign of God also agreeing about how much of a devil she is."

This time he did burst out laughing.

I smiled and took out my phone. I opened Instagram and clicked a picture of the cloud, posting it on my story with the caption 'When you find your science teacher in the sky'.

"Why are you really here?" He asked again.

"Because we need to work on our 'affectioning skills'."

At that he sat upright, "What do you mean?"

I slowly followed him and sat crossed leg, "All I'm saying is we need to improve the way we show our affection for each other. You know how painfully awkward today was even more when she-who-shall-not-be-named came. You were trembling."

His jaw clenched hard, "You know nothing about it."

I winced, "Okay I could've worded it better. I'm not mocking you about it, I get it what you felt today was real fucking painful and I'm not pitying you either. We resent each other but we do have understanding in this matter because we both experienced it."

He got up abruptly, picked up his bag and said in a sour tone, "You have no fucking idea about what I went through and not. I hate you; you hate me and all this dating shit is for a show. Don't try to be my therapist and stay the fuck out of my business."

With that he stormed off back to the school building and I sighed.

I wasn't hurt because I anticipated those words already when I decided to walk on the thin line of ice. I just hoped he would eventually someday understand what I meant.

No sooner, the bell rang as well.


*asks in joey's voice* how you doin' 😏

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