Chapter 2: "Was I not enough?"

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Charlotte's voice rang behind me but I kept running through the crowd of people in the hallway, my tears barely contained.

I won't cry, especially not in front of these baboons.

My feet thudded on the school hallway and two teachers halted in front of me, trying to stop me but I skimmed between them not thinking about the consequences of my actions. Only when I reached the bleachers where the guys were practicing for football, my running turned into a jog.

Chase caught my eye before saying something to his teammates and made his way towards me. He had a smile on his face but it faded soon once he saw my distraught expression.

"Hey-" He tried to cup my face but I backed away, my hands raised.

"Don't! Just- just tell me what is this?" There was a lump in my throat constricting me from speaking properly and my hands shook slightly but despite all of that, I clicked play on the video posted on Instagram.

Slowly, very slowly, as though in slow motion, Chase's eyes widened and his Adam's apple bobbed. Twice. Thrice. There was pure panic whirling in his brown eyes and he pursed his lips once the video ended.

It was a video of Chase and Daphne kissing at a party which was coincidentally held two weeks ago. The night before the rumours started of them cheating on their partners.

And Daphne just happened to be none other than Alexander Graham Bell's girlfriend out of all the people. I briefly wondered whether he saw the video or not.

Not that I cared about him or anything.

I said, "You lied to me."

My eyes shut on their own accord and I shook my head trying desperately to not cry in front of a cheater who hurt me.

"Tu es un tricheur," You are a cheater, "Did the two years we spend together meant nothing to you at all? Have you been doing this behind my back since the start? Was I not enough? Did I do something?"

My breathing turned ragged and a few tears made an appearance on my cheeks. I hated how easily he could hurt me, hated how genuinely I loved him, hated how I started doubting myself.

Everything just hurt so much.

Chase's coach called his name but he ignored him and tried to take my hands in his, "It's not like that Lola. That night was a mistake, I swear. I love you and you only. That night meant nothing and us means everything to me. I'm sorry."

I sniffled and wiped my tears before I said to him emotionlessly, "We're done."

With that I left.


That night, I cried myself to sleep. Well, sleep not really was in the mood to greet me instead I remained up the whole night overthinking everything and anything.

I was just about to doze off when a realisation flickered in my mind and I hurriedly turned on my mobile.

I stared at the blinking cursor for a fleeting minute.

And then I sent the text:

You were right. Maybe I am the problem.

I didn't ponder over how he instantly read my text and cried to myself some more.


my poor baby lola 🥺

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