Chapter 28: "In real life Euphoria."

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Did you know that The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows? Nor she has any eyelashes.

And despite the fact I was French, I never knew it until now that it had been stolen as well? What the actual fuck? Some people also say that the painting is a self-portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci himself while others say it's a portrait of his assistant and lover.

Damn, the dude really was shadowy and it tempted me further to solve his stuff. But we all know that this was a just an obsession for an hour at most that would last.

I was at the Louvre Museum with the rest of the students from my year from my school. We were taken for an 'educational' and a 'historical' day out with around five teachers to assist us that day.

"Lola, arrête de regarder et suivez-nous au cas où vous ne voudriez pas vous perdre!"

"Lola, stop ogling and keep up in case you don't want to get lost!"

I tore my gaze from the global masterpiece when a teacher shouted at me from behind, having made the entire crowd of teenagers follow her to show another painting.

Feeling embarrassed, a blush coated my cheeks not missing the way Harry Potter and Alexander Graham Bell were silently snickering at my humiliation in front of everyone. I smacked Charlotte's arm when I reached them and saw her trying to control her own laughter as well.

I silently sang to her when the crowd moved further, "You betrayed me and I know that you'll never feel sorry."

To my surprise, she joined me as well, "And I know that you'll never feel sorry."

I glanced at the other two clowns behind us and saw Harry watching me intensely. So, I asked, "Whatcha think?

It had been a week since the sleepover and that intense as hell conversation with Alexie in the middle of the night. Things were going on smoothly which made me quite surprised as for why Chase or Daphne hadn't done something for retaliation yet because knowing them-at least Chase for me- I could say with a hundred and ten percent assurance that he was not one of those who could handle humiliation so easily.

"Your voice is so good. Are you planning to become a singer or something?"

I frowned when I heard the teacher starting to explain a weird portrait again and whispered, "Nah, I haven't thought about that. I don't know what I really want to do yet."

He considered my words before his eyes went to Alexander Graham Bell for a second and then flickered back to me. They'd practically become joined at hip now, giggling like little babies over inside jokes most of the time these days.

But I was happy that Alexie was bonding with someone at least.

He gave me a quick smile, "A little thought of mine; I think it wouldn't be so bad though given how interested you are in music."

I thought over his words for the next few hours we remained at the museum. Just when we were about to leave, I needed to go to the restroom and so I did exactly that after informing the teachers back there.

The door opened when I was washing my hands after doing my business and in came none other than the she-devil herself. I noticed her making her way towards me with a strut as though a film shooting was going on in a tight mini skirt and an equally tight crop top.

Um hello? School code?!

I looked at my reflection and pretended to set my hair in sheer concentration meanwhile she just stood leaning her hips against the sink counter. I didn't dare to let my eyes flick towards her to see her expression because I wanted to make her feel worthless of my time and that I didn't care about whatever bullshit she had to say.

Once I was done with my acting, I took out my phone scrolling mindlessly and walked towards the door beside the stalls as though I hadn't even seen who entered. Just when I reached for the door handle, Daphne's hand clasped my other arm her sharp nail extensions digging into my skin.

I tried not to wince at her hold on me when she turned me around, my back pressing against the door now. Her perfectly glossed lips were set in a deep scowl and a flash of the video came in my mind.

A pang of pain went through me but I remembered Alex's words from the other night and instantly hardened my resolve, my exceptionally tall height towering over hers.

"Leave my arm." I said in a deadly calm tone.

But she only held it tighter, "Whatever your plan is, I can assure you, you'll regret it soon wishing you would've never tried to go against me."

I snorted and rolled my eyes, "Get out of your damn fantasy and open your fucking eyes you two-faced bitch."

She growled in anger but I kept speaking, "Who the fuck do you think you are? This is not an in real life Euphoria so get out of your head and try to be a decent human being."

At this point, her whole sun-kissed face was a shade of dark tomato with all the anger I riled up inside her. When I finally forced her hand away from me, I said one last thing to set her on the edge, "Although, to be honest, it'd been a great mercy on earth if your dad had just pulled out."

Feeling somewhat satisfied despite the trembling rage that was igniting inside me, I left the girls washroom. Not even a second later, the bitch came after me from behind and pulled my hair tightly into a fist abruptly.

I tried to scream but she put her palm over my mouth making it difficult for any passer-by to see what was going on in the dim hallway.

I bit her hand and she hissed but suddenly, we heard a pair of footsteps approaching before Alexander Graham Bell casually walked here whistling a tune. He stopped in shock when he saw what was happening and a second later, he had me in his embrace away from the stupid psychopath.

He bared his teeth at her unusual nervousness, "Enough is enough, Daphne. If you dared to do anything else to me or my girlfriend, I'll make sure to make your life a living hell. Go and fuck people's boyfriends like you usually do."

I knew he added the word girlfriend to provoke her even more but, in that moment, it definitely felt real as heck. Daphne spluttered at his bold behaviour instead of his usual painful silent tormenting he went through.

Not waiting for a response, we both left her there standing. His arm was still wrapped around my shoulder when we finally got seated on the bus, Harry and Char talking on the seats behind us not aware of what had occurred back there.

"Are you okay?" I asked Alex when he remained silent and wondered maybe he thought that he wasn't as ready to move on as much as he was convinced to do so.

But to my shock and surprise, he gave me a smile, "Yeah, just frustrated about her maniac behaviour. You?"

I returned the expression, "I'm fine too. You should've seen the way her face twisted when I insulted her."

He released a laugh, "I bet."

"Why are you so silent today?" I asked him directly the question that had been bugging me since we came to the museum.

He fidgeted with his fingers, bit his lip before he sighed, "I just...have a question for you. You don't have to answer it right now or anything but-"

"Okay, okay, okay. Now tell me what's wrong."

He looked out of the window for a moment before he finally whispered the question to me, "Do you want to form a band with me?"


i updated yes 

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