Chapter 31: "Poor Lizzy Lola."

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I chew on the pen cap before saying, "Try playing the major chords A, D and E in order."

Alexander Graham slowly played what I asked, an equally slow smile spreading on his face once the rhythm was set. I nodded along with the tune, adding this set of chords we tried on the notepad along with many more.

"This one's nice," he murmured.

I nodded absentmindedly, my brain already searching for any other set of chords we hadn't tried yet, my hand ticking the ones we liked the best on its own. It had been a week since we formed a band and almost all the time, we were busy either in writing songs or searching for new tunes and notes.

I sighed, stretching my arms above me, my bones cracking and popping. The chair I sat on groaned and rolled back on its wheels. For the first time I was given the opportunity to enter Alexie's room and it was safe to say that the sight didn't disappoint. Almost everywhere posters were hung with either song lyrics or Harry Styles or motivational quotes.

I swiftly made my way towards him where he was sitting comfortably against the headboard of the bed, his ankles crossed and his guitar in his arms. I gave him the notepad, extending my arm for the guitar, silently asking.

Alexander Graham Bell smiled evilly before he stood up on the bed his head almost reaching the ceiling. I groaned in annoyance, "Give me the guitar!"

"You should've brought yours," he said teasingly. His arms went behind him as though hiding the guitar from me.

I placed my feet on the mattress as well before we both were standing on the bed. My arms were crossed across my chest, my cheeks puffed out but he just kept smiling, wiggling his eyebrows.

I reached for the instrument behind his back again but he was faster and moved it to the other side causing me to whine, "I told you I was in a hurry today so I forgot mine."

"Not my fault."

I almost stomped my feet, "You absolute ass! Don't force me to have your funeral today!"

He chuckled.

The next few minutes were spent like that only, his feet slowly backing on the bed meanwhile I tried to snatch the guitar from his hands countless times and failed every time. He tsked at my failed attempts, moving at lightening speed jumping here and there, "Poor Lizzy Lola."

I growled impatiently and without thinking twice, pounced on him. His eyes widened at my sudden jump. His hand left the guitar and as though on instinct his arms wrapped around me while my legs came around his waist. With a squeal, we both came down crashing on the bed with me on top of him, our breathing ragged with all the jumping around the bed like homeless monkeys.

My blonde hair fell from my bun, Alex's own hair mussed up. We kept staring at each other open mouth, our pants grew softer and softer while our cheeks turned redder and redder.

His throat bobbed, the aqua blue gaze tracing every inch of my face and for the first time I really noticed every small feature on his own. The tiny mole at the corner of his forehead. The two small freckles, almost unnoticeable on his left cheek. I noticed how smooth his skin looked before my eyes dropped to his rosy lips.

I wonder whether they are as soft as they appear to be.

My hand subconsciously moved from his chest, reaching for the single strand of hair that fell on his eyelids. I smoothed it down, setting it back and his eyes fluttered shut. Goddamn, even his eyelashes looked silky.

I didn't know what happened next or who moved first but the next second our lips were just inches away.

The main door slammed shut downstairs, Charlotte's chirpy voice ringing around the whole house, "Bonjour!"

We both startled, jumping away instantly from the embrace and the almost...kiss that was about to happen.

Holy fucking shit, Alexander Graham Bell and I almost kissed!

This was bad, this was bad, this was so fucking bad on so many fucking levels-

"My guitar!" Remembering what really happened Alex scrambled off from the bed a sigh of relief escaping him once he saw that he coincidentally threw it on the bean bag beside the bed.

But my mind was replaying the exact moment when we both leaned closer and closer until there wasn't even a hair's breadth between them.

Holy fucking shit version 2.0!

Alex cleared his throat, scratching his head slightly which was no doubt a nervous tick of his. "I think um we should maybe complete the song."

I gulped. A weird, some strange sort of feeling settled in my stomach and I inhaled sharply, "Yeah, yeah, of course."

But we ended up not completing it. However, what we really did was sneak glances at each other, both our minds distracted the entire day.


charlotte the cockblocker ✨ 

my updates might get irregular till next wednesday cuz school's starting, summer's over & exams are on my head 😔 

but all i want to do is just sleep 😪

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