Chapter 7: "Stalk a pair of toothless lizards."

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That asshole was leaning against a shelf behind us with a random book in his hands, putting on a show of reading it and pretending to be interested in it for us. He was wearing a black unbuttoned baseball jacket flashing the white t-shirt he wore underneath it with white jeans and sneakers.

I hated to admit it but he looked hotter than the sun especially with his sideswept styled blonde hair and lean physique.

At last, he closed the book and slowly smirked at us, "If you're done drooling, may I know why you two look like second-hand spies? Especially now that my suspicions are correct of me being the one you two were gossiping about."

I steadily walked towards him, putting my hands in the pockets of my hoodie and bared my teeth at him, "Careful Alex or one might think you're stalking them given your unexpected appearances at places."

His eyes narrowed and the corner of his lips twitched slightly, "I've way better things to do than stalk a pair of toothless lizards."

Charlotte, whom I had forgotten was standing there as well, put a hand at her hip and stared at him coolly, "If I'm a toothless lizard then you're that lizard's twin. Therefore, our parents are toothless lizards as well. Wait till I tell mom about it tonight."

She winked at him and he gritted his teeth, "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." She flipped him the bird before looking at me, "And now I'm going to take my leave because the tension can practically be seen between you."

With that she sauntered away from the aisle where we stood.

I turned back to Alex and clicked my tongue, "Scared of mommy?"

His jaw clenched and unclenched before he asked, "What the fuck do you want?"

This was it. I really was going to ask this douchebag of a guy for a favour, putting aside all my dignity and hate for him. Oh God, when did my life come to this point huh?

Here goes nothing.

I braced myself and opened my mouth but just as I was about to speak, Alex's mobile started to ring and the librarian called out to not to make any noise.

He picked up the call quickly and I groaned. He pressed a finger at his lips telling me to be quiet before a scowl replaced his annoyed expression.

He said in a calm yet lethal tone to whoever was at the other end, "Can they not fight for one fucking day?"

While they spoke to him, I bounced on my feet due to nervousness and impatience. Alex pursed his lips, his eyes shining with anger and defeat before he spoke after a long silence, "Wait for me, I'm coming there."

"Wha- wait!" I spluttered but he ignored me and turned around, leaving the library altogether in long strides.

And I stood there frozen just like when Anna froze in Frozen one.


At the end of school, my mood didn't get any better. My last period was English and fortunately Alexander Graham Bell was in it and attended it unlike the rest of the periods.

I sat behind him and thought for half of the period about what to say. But as soon as I got the right words and wrote them down on a piece of paper, rolled it and went to smash it at his head, the bell rang indicating that the school was over and he was the first to get up and leave.

I supressed a scream and muttered under my breath, "Can you stop fucking with me God?!"

Later that day, I went to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and just as I left the café, I saw the bastard entering a bookstore across the street.

Coffee forgotten; I ran for my life almost avoiding getting crashed by a car towards the store. But just when I reached there like a panting dog, the cashier told me that 'the hot guy left two minutes ago'. Luck was a bitch to me that day.

And I nearly cried out of frustration, "No!"


today was a shitty day.
Edit: today was so shitty that even tho I had proofread before posting, there were still mistakes that's why you got three notifications don't mind me pls  x

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