Chapter 25: "Bonjour belle dame."

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I gently opened the glass doors to Le Château Crème, savouring the way the twin bells rang above it indicating someone had entered. My eyes met Charlotte's who was at the cash register talking to a customer.

I frowned at her but she smiled and went back to her work. Okay, later she would explain, I guess. My eyes travelled across the glass display containing so many sweets. From mouth-watering cakes, tarts, pastries, Macarón, pies, muffins, puddings, croissants, numerous French pastries to breads, buns and snack items.

I kept wandering, my feet moving along with the change in desserts even though I had already decided before coming here what I'd buy. Over the years, aunt Hannah had turned her small bakery into a well-known café now with an increase in seating arrangements and the menu including milkshakes and beverages as well.

Various quotes in French hung on the brick styled walls and above the cashier register hung a black board with the day's special written on it by chalk.

"Lola! Mon bébé, salut!"

Lola! My baby, hi!

I turned around to be instantly engulfed in aunt Han's arms and I squeezed her back equally. Her jasmine scented perfume greeted my senses and I almost sighed with content.

She pulled back a little patting my hair, "Look at you, you've become so thin. Aren't Lilly and Julian feeding you properly?"

I grimaced, the lie coming out of my mouth albeit a bit hesitantly, "Eh, I'm on a diet."

She rolled her eyes, her laugh lines and wrinkles becoming more and more prominent over each passing ear but in spite of that, she was just as beautiful. "You're perfect you don't need a diet. Now come on, I'll give you your favourite chocolate pie."

I sheepishly smiled at her wink and followed her towards where the padded chairs stood.


"Why is she handling the cashier counter?" I asked aunt Hannah once she got settled across me, a mini chocolate pie sitting between us on the table.

She followed my gaze at Charlotte who was yet again attending another customer before she sighed, "Since it's the weekend, one or two staff members are on leave and honestly, it's been a chaos. So, I asked her to help me and well let's just say she didn't get her mother's talent in baking."

I snorted at that and said after a mouthful of bite, "How is uncle Blake doing?"

She set her chin atop her hand, "He's doing great. Although, we had a fight today morning but we'll make it up tonight."

Concerned washed over me and I took her another hand, rubbing my thumb on the smooth skin, "Don't stress much, I'm sure it will be okay."

I got a dazzling smile in return from her, "I hope so. How're you doing?"

Truth to be told, this week was very lonely for me so I said exactly that, "I've been feeling lonely for a while."

Her brows deepened, "Why? What happened?"

"Mom and dad have got this huge project so because of that they're working really late at office this past week. It gets a bit creepy at night home alone but I manage." I took another bite of the pie.

"C'est quoi ça?" What the hell? "Are they crazy? Don't worry, I'm going to have a very long conversation with them at evening." She took out her mobile from her jean's pocket with an outrageous expression.

My eyes widened and I stopped her before she could actually call them. What if they were in a meeting? "No, no, no. It's okay don't worry about it."

Her mouth tightened slightly but she thankfully let it go. Just then, the bells rang and I turned my head to see Alexander Graham Bell entering the café with his guitar on his back. Not noticing me, he talked to Char before going across from where I sat.

I saw just then that a stool was placed below the quotes on the wall and he soon got settled on it with his guitar in his hands. I hadn't seen him except for school where we continued to pretend perfectly, fooling everyone there but other than that, this was the first time I saw him outside since the bridge incident.

As though noticing my stare, aunt Han said, "He's been coming here to play every weekend ever since the...scandal happened. At first, I was little against but his desperation made me say yes. Fortunately, the customers liked it so he continued to do so."

I absentmindedly nodded, my gaze still on him while he set the guitar's keys, still not knowing I was present there.

I finally looked at aunt Hannah when I heard her say in a pained voice, "I am sorry you both had to go through such a painful thing. At first, I tried to talk to him but he shut me off so quickly. I'm scared for him; I just want him to be happy. Both of you to be happy."

I kissed both her hands, "It's not your fault. I guess that's life for us but I think we'll move on someday."

At the same moment, Alexander Graham Bell started strumming his guitar and the chatter died instantly in the café with now people watching him, intrigued.

His eyes were closed, his hand moving on the guitar as though learned by heart before he started singing in a low voice, "Oh, to see without my eyes

The first time that you kissed me,"

If someone had asked me what was going through my mind, I'd answered with the one phrase that popped in my mind.

Enchanting like an Angel.

"White noise, what an awful sound

Fumbling by Rogue River,"

I instantly recognised the song. It was Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stevens. My eyes took in how his dark blonde hair fell over his forehead, the way lights illuminated his figure on the stool, one of his ankles crossed over the other.

His voice had lost its usual roughness, opting for a smoother and deeper pitch making a perfect pair with the way he played his guitar. He finally looked up, his eyes meeting his sisters and his moms, smiling softly at the them.

"Oh, will the wonders ever cease?

Blessed by the mystery of love."

Before they met mine.

Suddenly feeling subconscious, heat arose on my cheeks for no reason at all.

But he looked away as though he never saw me and continued strumming and singing.


The bell rang and I looked at my reflection in the mirror in my room, frowning with confusion.

Who was at the door at 8 p.m. in the evening?

I went down the stairs in my usual unicorn flip-flops and opened the door in a matter of seconds-

"Bonjour belle dame."

Hello beautiful lady.

...Only to be greeted by a grinning Charlotte, an annoyed Harry and a grumpy Alexander Graham Bell at my doorstep.



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