Chapter 17: "Enough chit-chat, this is not a tea-party."

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The bell rang continuously making me groan and I rolled over my bed, refusing to get up. Mom and dad were at work- I absolutely loved how they worked at the same company and then came back home at the same time- and Charlotte told me it's hers and aunt Han's 'mother-daughter' day, so who the fuck would be annoying me at six pm in the evening?

I continued scrolling on my phone convincing myself that whoever it was would leave after getting no response but the ringing of bell continued with even more insistence this time and I finally got up and went down the stairs in my unicorn flip-flops.

I opened the door ready to curse out whoever it was for being so impatient but instead a frown marred on my face when I saw Alexander Graham Bell on my doorstep.

I didn't mean to but my mouth had its own brain and spoke, "Am I forgetting that I invited you? Or have you self-invited yourself?"

His hands were tucked in his red hoodie and he rolled his eyes, his gaze landing onto my flip-flops and a hint of smirk appeared on his face, "Nice slippers. Aren't you going to invite me in?"

I stood there baffled for a minute but opened the door wider for him to enter. I was too consumed in my thoughts wondering what the fuck did he want after the football field incident to not notice him climbing the stairs in long strides and before I knew it, he had entered my humble abode.

I sprang from where I stood once I realized that he had went into my room without my permission.

I crossed my arms and leaned on the doorframe trying to act nonchalant, "I guess aunt Han did teach manners but only one twin could grasp it's concept."

But he ignored my jab as though he hadn't heard it at all because he asked nodding his head at the corner of the room below the pictures, "You play guitar?"

I stilled for a second before shrugging. His face shown curiosity and surprise which made me say, "You seem surprised."

He was still in that daze when he replied, "I've the same model of that acoustic guitar."

This time I raised my eyebrows, "You play guitar?"

He tucked his hands once more in his hoodie pockets and said with an almost proud look, "Play guitar and write songs too."

What day was it today? Kill Lola with surprise bombs?

"Huh, weird. I write too." I instantly regretted it as soon as it came out of mouth.

He was about to respond when I said, "Enough chit-chat, this is not a tea-party. What are you doing here Alexie?"

He rubbed his hand on his neck and grimaced, "You said we need to improve our 'affectioning skills' for each other. So, here I am...I guess."

One side of my mouth twisted downwards, "But you stormed off when I said that today afternoon."

He inhaled sharply, "You see...after I cooled down, I thought about what you said and well, I wondered how bad it could be. After all, I do want to revenge as well."

Slowly, a taunting smile spread on my face and I wiggled my eyebrows at his burning cheeks, "Alexander Graham Bell, are you admitting that I was right and you want to apologize?"

He spluttered, "What- no. Y-You're putting words into my mouth."

I slowly walked towards him and his eyes travelled around the room, taking in everything but me, "Sure, sure. Whatever floats your boat."

His eyes once again landed on the guitar and I said, "Stop looking at my guitar like you want to make out with it."

He scowled at me, "I'm just surprised that's all," he looked at the bookshelf on the wall, "Your room is just"

"Well, it is my room." I said dryly.

I continued at his still scowling expression, "And I'm sure your room is also you just like Char's is hers so it's nothing much to be surprised about."

"I guess I've never been here so that's why I'm shocked."

I looked at the light brown double bed matching with the wood boards on the floor, the polaroid pictures stuck on the wall beside it followed by the white coloured bookshelf covering the whole adjacent wall. Above my bed was a customized LED light saying 'Lola' in cursive and the ceiling of my room was of light blue colour with four huge white clouds (light in them) hanging. The brown study table was on the bed's opposite wall with a white rug lying between them.

There was another special thing about my room but I wasn't going to share it with Alexander Graham Bell.

"So, how are we going to do this?"

His voice brought me back and I stared at him frowning, "Probably start by kissing...? I have no idea."


im sorry i forgot to update yesterday 😭

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