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Yuri looked anywhere but at the older girl in front of her, Chaeyeon smiling at the hamster's shyness.

'Oh jeez I asked her if we could meet up but I can't even look at her! Damn it Yuri, think of what to say...'

"Any new songs?"

The college freshman snapped her head up, "w-what?"

The dancer chuckled, "your songs, made any new ones?"

"O-oh! Sorry I'm so awkward Chaeyeon-unnie, I-I'm not used to meeting new people and-and I uh... Sorry... I must be wasting your time."

Chaeyeon laughed, a few customers in the cafe they were in glancing their way before shrugging and going back to what they were doing.

"It's fine Yuri-yah, and don't worry about that, I wanted to meet you too."

"Well... About the songs... I have one I'm currently writing, dunno how I feel about it though."

"If you don't mind, can I hear it?"

"Ah, I don't really... Hmm... Would you like to read the lyrics instead first?"

Chaeyeon smiled, "that'd be great."

Yuri rummaged through her backpack, taking out a small notebook and turning to a page with her scribbled handwriting before handing it to the college junior. The two began to talk about the song, slowly getting to know each other in the process...

~ ~ ~

"Why do you keep looking behind Kkura-chan?"

The pink-haired Japanese glanced back at Nako, who was sipping her drink in front of her, "oh uh- that girl looks really familiar."

She secretly pointed to a light-brown haired girl who was talking to another, hamster-like person who wore round glasses.

"Are you sure you aren't just looking at her 'cause she's pretty?"

Sakura flustered up, "what?"

Nako giggled, "just saying from knowing you since our grade-school days."

The cherry-blossom girl lowered her voice so the staff nearby wouldn't hear her, "and what about your roommate Hii-chan? You always~ talk about her."

The shorter girl blushed, "w-well... Okay fine, but at least I'm not being so creepy about it."

Before Sakura could retort back, Nako squinted her eyes at the person the older girl was looking at.

"Actually... She does look familiar..."


"Hold on..."

Nako muttered under her breath while fishing out her phone, "if that's who I think it is..."

The girl nodded, showing her screen to Sakura, "that's her."

"Lee Chaeyeon... Oh! I know her."

"Well I hope you do since she's pretty famous around here."

"No no I mean like- Yena, she knows her mutually, and she talks about that girl a lot."

Nako's eyes widened, "wait really?"

"Hello friends~ I heard my name."

The two Japanese girls jumped, turning around to see their ducky friend alongside a girl with tawny hair.

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