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Her blood boiled.

Just staring at the older woman from afar made her body tense in anger after remembering what Eunbi told her about Chaewon's mother leaving her.

"Minju, let's start the first scene."

The said girl glanced at the script one last time, glancing over to a specific part near the beginning of the scene.

"Nae, I'm coming."

The older woman smiled cheerfully as Minju came closer, "ready, Minju-yah?"

All this fake hospitality...

The angel forced a smile, "nae, I am."

'Fuck it, I'm not going to betray Chaewon-unnie.'


"And~ action."

The scene began to be acted out, and everything seemed to be going smoothly on both sides...

"Are you okay eomma?"

"Yes... Yes I'm fine, I think I just need some water."

Minju stood up from the couch, walking over to get a glass of water before walking back to stand in front of the woman.

The veteran actress glanced up, a hint of confusion in her eyes as Minju just stood there, staring at her.

"Thank you, such a kind daughter you are."

'You're real daughter's kind too.'

The whole room filled with gasps, the cup in Minju's hand now empty as all the contents spilled onto the woman. Everyone stared in shock as her hair and clothes became wet with water as Minju set the cup on the table.

"A kind daughter? How do you know what a kind daughter looks like if you never even took care of your own?"

The woman's eyes widened a fraction as the director yelled to cut the cameras.

"You're daughter's doing good by the way, she's such a nice, caring person... If I were you I would have never left her for something as easily replaceable as fame."


"Minju, stop."

The girl ignored those around her, "it pained me to see her heart-broken because of you, she can't trust any person of fame and wealth because you left her and her father."


Her voice grew louder, her fists clenched at her sides, "she can't even ask for help because she's scared she'd get left alone again. Are you happy? Are you happy to be the cause of a girl's pain? Your own daughter's pain? I'm sure no one here but you and I knew you had a child huh, you just cared about going up to the top. You even brought your own family down to step higher up."

"Kim Minju."

"You probably don't even care that she's living happily right now, she has amazing friends, she's going to a good college, she has this older-sister-like person taking care of her outside of home. Would you even visit her again if you could? What kind of mother are y-"

Another set of gasps filled the room as Minju winced, holding her cheek as she glowered up at the veteran actress, willing herself not to cower from the older woman's strong gaze.

"You know nothing about this matter, you are speaking nonsense."

"I know your daughter Lee Ranhee, I've talked to her before! You can't hide it anymore, and she will never forgive you."

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