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"Oh my God what happened to Chaewon-unnie???"

"She fainted earlier, don't worry she's okay."

"What happened?"

"Where were you??"

"What took you two so long???"

"Girls let Minju breathe."

Eunbi turned to the angel, "I can explain for you if that's okay, you can just rest if you can with Chaewon."

Some of their friends sheepishly apologized while Minju smiled, "thanks Eunbi-unnie, I'd appreciate that."

With one last help from the eldest, Minju sat down a little ways away from the others, facing the river as Chaewon laid on the grass, her head resting on the younger girl's lap. She brushed a strand of caramel-colored hair away from Chaewon's face, her hand lingering on her cheek for a moment before pulling it away.

"Chaewon-unnie... Please wake up soon."

Minju sighed, gazing out into the dark water that was barely lit up by the night sky. She then felt a subtle movement and a soft gasp, making her look back dow-


Minju's hand quickly raised up to hold her forehead, Chaewon doing the same as she kicked her legs back and forth in pain.


The older girl whined, only to stop when she noticed Minju staring down at her, realizing that she was laying down with the girl's lap as a pillow.

Chaewon abruptly sat up, narrowly missing hitting the other girl's head again thanks to Minju swiftly leaning back to avoid the encounter.


"Chaewon-unnie are you okay? You should lay back down."

Chaewon softly blushed, thankful for the dimmed setting, "I-I'm fine! Really, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep, I'm sure."

Minju slowly nodded, scooting a little closer to caress Chaewon's face, "I'm glad you woke up..."

"Where... Are we?"

"We're at Han River, Eunbi-unnie picked us up from your home."

"Wait what happened? I don't remember anything after going into my dad's... room..."

Pain seeped into Chaewon's eyes again as she hung her head low.

"You fainted, and uhhh... There... was a fire..."

"Wait what?"

"That crack in the earth started a fire from the nearby furniture... I'm sorry Chaewon-unnie, I wish I could have done more to help y-"

Minju startled as the cafe cashier suddenly wrapped her arms around the angel's neck, her heart fluttering from the contact.

"I'm so glad you made it out... I should be the one that's sorry for dragging you over there."

"Actually you didn't drag me, I followed you."

Chaewon let out a weak laugh, pulling away only to hold Minju's hand, "thanks, Minju-yah."


"You're awake!"

"Thank God you're awake..."

Their friends who were waiting for the two to finish up ran over, practically bombarding Chaewon with tight hugs.

"T-thanks g-guys."

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